Chapter four - cynical 🤔🤨

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Jungkooks pov~

I stared at jimin as he ruffled my hair. He was short and his face was as if i stared at an angel.

His pink soft hair, his black eyes, and his lips. everything about Jimin was perfect. From his touch it felt as if it was more than a touch.

Whenever Jimin smiled he ended up giggling, which was as if there was something hidden behind that smile.

Though I have only seen him twice in the few days, whenever I see him, I feel different then I felt before.

" to kookie"i heard jimin utter as he caressed my cheek.

He had called me kookie.  I never thought he would again,after I had thought he hates me. Turns out he never did.he never wanted to leave that day,nor stay away from me,But he had thought I forgot him.

"Let's head to the others,And while we are at it,I will tell you a funny story"Jimin utterd,wrapping his arm on my waist as we began walking.

As they walked into the living room

Author's pov~

"So you mean to tell me that, the postman thought your park Jimins son" jungkook chuckled,his arm wrapped around jimins neck.

"Yeah,he might have thought park jimin is an older person,because of my height he thought I was a kid" Jimin utterd,fiddling with his fingers.

"Not at all, I think your height is cute" Jungkook utterd,ruffling jimins soft pink hair.

"But you always made fun of my heigh-,never mind"Jimin utterd stopping in his sentence.

"Whatever I did in the past,I'm sorry"Jungkook utterd.

Jimin just smiled as they went into the kitchen,where they had heard Namjoon hyung andJin hyung talk.


Yoongies pov~

We were walking down the stairs,after showing hoseok to his room. He was a cute kid,yet pretty skilled.

We walked into the living area,where there was no sign of the others.

Untill we heard muttering in the kitchen. Well it sounded so because we were a but far.

"They are in the kitchen" Taeyhung utterd walking towards the kitchen,as hobi and I followed.

Walking in,my gaze stopped at two figures. One with purple and black hair, the other with pink hair.

"Jimin when did i start dying my Haiti heard jungkook ask as he touched his hair.

"Oh you started dying your hair after the night of the-....."Jimin stopped in his track's and looked at jungkook.

It was the night if the fireworks. But jimin stopped in his track's knowing very well that if Jungkook found out,He would remember a late detail.

Jimin seemed stuck, as jungkook stared at him cynical. I knew I had to do something.i could not let him be stuck like this.

But as i was to speak,I noticed jimin ruffle jungkooks hair. He now seemed as if he wanted to cry.

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