Chapter 4

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~2 days later ~

On top of one of the mountains near Kuoh a girl with black hair and purple eyes can be seen practising her magic. From time to time she will cast many demonic Magic circles in the air and then switch to light magic . After that she can be seen creating different weapons and shooting them at targets . After that she moves at high speed while casting various spells into the tree . She continues to do this process until it is late in the evening.

" Hmm it seems like it's about to be dark, better go back home " the girl said aloud as she relaxed her muscles. After taking a break for a few minutes she used her spatial domination skill and teleported into the new apartment they are currently staying in . When she reappears she is welcomed by a silver haired maid.

"Oh wow it looks like you got yourself a new maid outfit luci - chan. But why use those high grade materials for this dress though. I thought you were keeping them for some armour or something. " Roxanne asked with a bit of curiosity.

"Thank you for the compliment, mistresses, and as you said I used those high grade materials to increase the defence of this dress as this is my new battle armour from now on. " Luicana replied.

"Oh why the sudden interest. I think I saw some battle armour when we were moving out yesterday. You could always use those, "Roxanne asked while raising one eyebrow.

" It is mainly a tradition in our family ,mistress. In ancient times when the concept of maid was not known our ancestor was troubled on how to present herself before Lord lucifer. At that time everyone only had similar outfits so our ancestor wanted to look dignified while not over shadowing her lord. So after months of thinking she made the maid uniform. From that day on when our female family members always wear the maid uniform as their uniform and battle dress, "Luciana said with passion dripping from her voice. It seems like she is a fanatic of her ancestor.

"Well do what makes you happy, '' Roxanne said with a bit of regret. She shouldn't have asked.

" As you wish, mistress, mistress would you require any assistance in bathing yourself " Luciana asked wondering how much progress her mistress made in her training. Every time she comes home like that , it would undoubtedly be due to her training intensity. And it seems today was especially high for her to be this dirty.

"Nah, don't bother,but can you cook something for me? Will ya I'm starving after doing my training today " roxanne kindly rejected her offer as she walked towards the bathroom to freshen up.

"It shall be done mistress. And oh mistress before I forget I left some new clothes for you in the changing room. "Luciana said as she turned around.

Roxanne didn't turn back but she waved her while saying "kaay" signalling that she got the message.

Luciana watched for a bit until her mistress entered the bathroom to take a shower. She too then walked towards her destination, the kitchen to prepare something to eat for dinner.

Luciana POV

When my mistress said her farewell and went to the bathroom I went to the kitchen to prepare some food for my mistress. It is quite ironic thinking I ,the person who hated the Satans the most serving the princess of Lucifer

I was born as the second daughter of the Lucifuge household 3 years younger than my elder sister Grayfia. When we were young me and my sister were always compared to each other because my sister displayed a higher level of talent than me .

I was always named the second best after my sister but the elders didn't even try to hide their disappointment for me . But my sister and I had very good relationship why well because my sister is ice cold beauty she loves me the most ,why me and not my brother you ask well my brother is huge siscon and his favourite is my sister and that doesn't mean he doesn't love me , he has a neutral relationship with me . Well my family may be hectic but we had a good life even our stoic father smiles when he is with us .

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