8 1 0

279 words

1 — he him his his himself

" he cycled to the store by himself to purchase his favourite snacks, and although he was exhausted, he still pedalled all the way back home. "

2 — disc disc discs discs discself

" disc doesn't usually leave like that, perhaps we should go and check up on disc. unless disc is upset with us? "

3 — red red reds reds redself

" red is always talking about redself, sometimes it can be annoying, but other times, red is cute. "

4 — ick ick icks icks ickself

" ick is great at reminders, i wouldn't have made it here if it weren't for ick tossing ick's drink on me this morning. ick really knows how to wake me up. "

5 — purr purr purrs purrs purrself

" purr sung the alphabet backwards one time, and i'm still impressed by purr's talent. "

6 — that that thats thats thatself

" that keeps on scraping that's knees, that is so reckless, that's always worrying me because of thats careless habits. "

7 — kid kid kids kids kidself

" kid didn't remember me until i stared at kid for a moment, i'm not sure why, or how that worked. "

8 — tu tulip tulips tulips tulipself

" i'm grateful that tu is always around to help, tulip can be real handy if tu gets a good explanation. "

9 — snor snore snores snores snoreself

" snor can drive all on snoreself now! i didn't think snor would pass snore's driving test until snor was far older. "

10 — h3 h1m h1s h1s h1mself

" i can never be mad at h1m, h3's always so nice to me, sometimes i'm not sure what i did to deserve someone like h1m in my life. "

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