guess second time's not the charm

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and then suddenly, i wasn't the person you were drunk texting anymore, i wasn't the person you were sending 'listened to aakhon se batana' anymore, i wasn't the person you were randomly calling cute anymore, i wasn't the person you were telling every detail of your day to, just suddenly, you replaced me with someone else and didn't even let me know.

you know these past few days i really tried to make myself believe that it was okay, we didn't have anything, it was just a bit of harmless flirting and you probably did that with everyone. but it was special to me, i believed we had a connection and i might have been stupid but oh how fucking badly i wished i wasn't.

i thought it was easier to pretend that you didn't care about me rather than accepting the fact that you cared about everyone else the same way too. because i didn't want to be just another one of those girls you talked to and hung out with. but now i'm realising that i didn't have to pretend. i know that you don't care about me. because if you had, you never would've been so selfish and hid something like this from me and lead me on.

and the fucking worst part of this becomes that, i can't say i wish i never met you because when i'd met you, you gave me something i thought i had lost long ago. you gave me hope. hope for a better future for myself, which gave me the strength to let go of 4 years of toxicity from my life.

but now, i've just been cursing myself on how i ended up in the same situation again. how, now i'm going to need to get over someone i didn't even date. again.

all the things i never said pt.2Where stories live. Discover now