differences, then similarities.

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i revelled in the fact that you were different. every day i talked to you, i could see the difference between you and him. i could see how much more i talked to you, how happier i felt with you, the fact that i didn't meet him once but i met you so many times, the fact that i have so many pictures with you and i had none with him. the list goes on and on.
but there were other differences too, the bad ones. there were no other people in his life. so when i found out that you used to go out every day with a new girl, even though they were all friends, i felt worse, like all the good differences were slowly turning on me. it bugged me that we never talked on call, never had any deep conversations, like i used to have so many with him.
with time, i couldn't see the differences anymore, only the similarities. i started crying more and more, opened up lesser, was miserable all the time, hid how i truly felt from you, wrote paragraphs about how much despair i was in, the kind of despair that started seeping into my normal life, my studies went to shit, i started spending lesser time with my parents and friends and just felt like disengaging from the entire world.

you once gave me hope. and now because of you i have none left.

all the things i never said pt.2Where stories live. Discover now