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The Twins

The mind numbing drone of her teacher's voice was enough to drive Amelia Sumnter crazy. It was her final class on the last day of college classes before summer break and she was sure that time was moving slower than normal. Each second that passed felt like an eternity and the clocks ticking had turned into nothing more than crude snickering that mocked Amelia's impatience.

"Do you have any questions?" The professor prompted, eyes surveying her classroom for any inattentive students. Luckily for Amelia, she had learned how to pretend to be interested at an early age. Attending gala after gala and formal event after formal event had taught her how to feign engagement to a near perfect result. No one seemed to raise their hands in response to the professor, so she continued on with the lesson.

Daring to glance at her phone, Amelia was delighted to see that Bella had answered her text about going to her father's beach house for their first mini vacation of the summer. They had planned so much, from going to the beach house, to visiting another country. Seeing as it was the summer between Amelia's junior and senior years of college, she felt as though all freedom would go out the window once she graduated and began chasing her fathers political footsteps.

Ah yes, how Amelia wished she would've been able to tell her father, Senator Richard Sumnter, no when he first brought the thought to her attention. Becoming a political figure didn't suit her at all. Sure, she cared about those around her and didn't do things to intentionally try to hurt people, but having the responsibility of the populous on her shoulders was far too much weight for her to carry. And even though she knew just how selfish that sounded, she didn't care. She wasn't fit to be in charge of a political office like her father was. After all, the second she got into office she knew should find a way to screw it up.

But even so, she had decided to go down this path. Going to college for political science was what her father wanted her to do. Learning everything she could from him since the age of seven, shortly after her mom passed. Growing up in his shadow to become the perfect carbon fiber copy of him. It was easier to just fall in line rather than try to be her own person and risk failing and losing her lifestyle of grandeur.

Besides, even if she chose to stray from the world her father wanted her to enter so dearly, she wasn't even sure what she would've enjoyed doing. There was never a time in her life where she was able to freely think about who she was. After all, she had been attending political gatherings since before she could even walk. All that she was ever taught to think about was politics.

And sure, there were more times than not that Amelia had wished she'd chosen another path, regardless of what it was. Being a politician didn't leave much room for a social life, especially when her father was pushing her to become a political figure fresh out of college. A family? As much as she would love one, it was something she had ultimately decided to table due to her fathers pressure. A husband, children- hell, even just a boyfriend would all have to wait for her future to run its course.

The only person Amelia felt like she truly had was her best friend Bella Bordeaux. They had met when they were both 11 and it was at a gala for her father, no less. Her father and Bella's father, City Council Chairman Philip Bordeaux, had been working closely on a campaign to pass a bill. What bill? Amelia couldn't even remember. All she remembers about the night was meeting Bella and causing all sorts of havoc for the waiters and waitresses who were working the event.

Since then, the two were thick as thieves and never went anywhere without the other. Even if Amelia's dad wasn't involved in the campaign, she would still tag along with Bella and her parents just to hang out with her and vice versa. Bella's father had also pushed her down the path of becoming a future politician, so the two were bonded in more ways than one.

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