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    "So are you just going to sit there all day and mope?" Azrien asked, knocking Amelia's foot off the coffee table as he attempted to make his way past her. She scowled up at him, immediately putting her foot back on the table the second Azrien was past her. Alizair was sitting in the chair across from the couch, minding his own business as he busied himself with a book.

    "I'm not moping," she argued. "I'm trying to figure out what to do other than read or sleep." She leaned her head back against the back of the couch, seeming to study the ceiling intently. Azrien scoffed at her response, causing her to roll her eyes, but she didn't shift her gaze to look at him.

    "Y'know," he started, pausing when he realized she wasn't looking at him. He shifted so he was kneeling beside her, putting his face in between hers and the ceiling so she was forced to make eye contact while he spoke. "There's more to do than just those two things."

    "Like what?" Amelia started to sit back up slowly, causing Azrien to jump back dramatically as though he was afraid of their heads hitting. Amelia cracked a small smile at his antics and he just grinned back. All the while, Alizair had the tiniest glint of amusement in his eyes. It was obvious to him what Az was trying to do. Break Amelia out of that rut and get her to enjoy their company.

    "Careful there," Azrien narrowed his eyes at her playfully. "You could've given me a concussion just there." Amelia just sighed at him, rolling her eyes with feign exasperation.

"Yeah, cause that would've happened from me just sitting up," she teased before drawing the conversation back to what Az had mentioned earlier. "So what other things are there to do around here?"

"Well," Azrien started, gazing around the room to spot all the things he could think of.
"The tv works, so you could watch a movie or something if you wanted. We also have board games and decks of cards if you're interested."

"Yeah, cause playing board games by myself or playing solitaire with a deck of cards doesn't sound totally pathetic," Amelia huffed, her smile gone as she pulled her feet onto the couch and her knees into her chest.

"Ouch," Azrien put his hand over his heart, a pitiful attempt at a hurt expression covering his features. "Who says you'd be playing games alone?" Amelia's eyes widened slightly at his words, surprise etched onto her face at the insinuation behind his words.

"It's just that," she started, sighing softly before continuing. "Whenever I've been under house arrest in the past, the guards who were watching over me would barely even speak to me, let alone offer to play games."

"Really?" Alizair asked, suddenly butting in from behind his book. The shock in his eyes was evident. Azrien shared the same look.

"Well yeah," Amelia replied, casting a slightly confused glance between the twins. "They saw me as just another job. Not to mention I think my dad's level of power scared them a bit too. So they didn't want to play with me or talk to me." Alizair and Azrien looked at each other, a level of twin understanding being shared for a moment, before they turned their attention back to Amelia.

"Lucky for you, I'm not a boring old dude," Azrien plastered that signature grin back onto his face. "So let me grab the board games and cards and you just tell me which one speaks to your heart." He got to his feet, heading off down the hallway opposite Amelia's and digging through one of the closets.

"Do you want to join us?" Amelia offered, looking over at Alizair who was back into his book. He politely declined, a dismissive wave of his hand accompanying his response. Amelia just nodded, her gaze drifting back down the hall as Azrien was headed back with a stack of games in his arms. He dropped them on the coffee table before plopping back down onto the couch, closer to Amelia than he had previously been.

Twin FlamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin