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On earth, various kingdoms reign with kings and queens. Alliances are made through contract or weddings between princes and princesses. Right now, the kingdom of Seoul is preparing for a ball. This ball will contain many princes who are attending in order to woo the princess of Seoul, Nari. 

Princess Nari is a beautiful woman with rosy cheeks, dragon eyes, deep dimples, plump lips, and gorgeous brown hair. 

Many princes are very adamant to impress her because in Seoul, it is tradition that a prince or princess will pick three suitable partners at the ball. These partners will live in Seoul for a month and once that month is up, one of them will be picked as the husband or wife. 

Many are excited to play this game yet some are hesitant because they do not want to encounter Nari's older brother, Namjoon and this is why....

When prince Namjoon was 13 and Nari was 11, he discovered that he was gay. 

This was due to the fact that he had no romantic feelings towards any girls but that he had romantic feelings for his best friend, Jackson Wang. 

Jackson Wang is the prince of Hong Kong and was attending school at Seoul because his parents forced him too. Jackson met Namjoon when they were both 12 and they hit it off ever since then.

One day, Namjoon and Jackson were playing in Namjoon's room and he blurted out his feelings. Jackson immediately smiled and told him he had feelings as well. They shared a kiss together, their first kiss was with each other. It was sweet and simple. For a week, they were secretly dating by awkwardly holding hands, sharing small kisses here and there, cuddling with each other. It was perfect until that faithful Sunday.

On that Sunday night, the Kim family were enjoying a sundae and talking about their day when suddenly, there was a loud commotion happening near the throne room. King Chul told his kids and wife, queen Su-Ho, to stay put while he went to check it out.

"Sinner! He deserves to be kicked out of this kingdom for what he has done!" Chul heard as he came down the stairs. He turned to the crowd of people screaming for the guards to let them by.

"What is going on?" Chul asked.

One of the people, a middle aged woman stepped up a bit more as the crowd went silent. 

"I am the aunt to prince Jackson and he came running to me with the most outrageous news I have heard. He told me that your son tried to kiss him." The crowd began murmuring around with the words sinner and hell.

Chul was surprised, he refused to believe what the woman told him.

"Lies! all lies, my son doesn't do such things!"

"Well my nephew doesn't lie to me. Your son is the one that harassed him and he deserves to be punished! He is a sinner!"

The crowd began chanting sinner. Chul needed to end this and fast before things got out of hand. 

"Su-Ho! please come down and bring Namjoon with you."

The queen came down with her son who hid behind her, scared from the looks he was getting. The king kneeled down next to his son.

"Son, did you kiss Jackson?"

Namjoon popped his head out from the back of his mother and nodded slowly. 

The crowd gasps and someone screams, "He is a sinner! Lets kill him!" 

The crowd begin pushing the guards trying their hardest to get the little boy. The king turns to them and commands them to stop. They halt out of respect for monarchy. 

"As your king, you can not lay a finger on my son."

"But he harassed my nephew!"

"No, I didn't." Namjoon speaks up ready to defend himself.

The Three PrincesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora