Chapter 1: The Ball

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The big event that have been discussed about all year has finally arrived. Decorations have been set. The cameras are installed and the red carpet has been rolled out.

People all around are gathering their snacks in front of their TVs while waiting to see who will be attending the Seoul Ball and what the princes and princess will be wearing.

There are those outside the castle that are waiting to see first hand what these princes look like. The common women have especially dressed up in their finest attire hoping to catch any attention from these princes.

8 'o' clock struck and the doors to the ball opened. The limos began appearing one by one. Princes were making their entrance as the announcer made sure to present their arrival.

While the princes were gathering at the ball, the princess was admiring herself in the mirror. She looked perfect with her beautiful hanbok, excellent makeup, and her glowing hair. She was very excited that today was happening. Nothing was going to ruin her day.

The royal advisor, Keeho, enters Nari's room.

"Nari, your soon-to-be husbands are waiting."

"Well, keep them waiting. Those princes have been dying to impress me, I am sure they can wait a few more minutes." 

"I am sure as well but your brother has grown impatient and would like to, as he says, "get over with this". We need to introduce both of you at the same time."

"Ugh, my stupid brother is always bitching about something. I am surprised he chose to wear a male hanbok. A female one would have been more fitting for his flamboyant self."

The princess giggles at her little joke. Keeho however did not find it amusing but bit his tongue and left the room.

The princess now left her room after one more glance at the mirror. She then goes towards the grand staircase where they will be introducing her. She sees her brother sitting there with a book on his hand.

His head is always in some book. She rolls her eyes at that thought.

"Come on Namsoo, let us make our presence."

Namjoon wasn't surprised at her little change in his name. 

Honestly to him, it seemed ridiculous that she felt that gay men were women. 

He closed his book and stood up sticking his hand out for the princess to hold. She had a disgusted look in her face but still held his arm as the curtains opened up to reveal both of them.

"Now, please welcome prince Kim Namjoon and princess Kim Nari of Seoul!"

The applause thundered through the crowd of princes. The princess put on a beautiful smile emitting her dimples making many in the crowd awe at the sight. As both prince and princess descend to the bottom of the staircase, another prince already had his hand extended.

This prince had very black hair, cat eyes and his height was the same as the princess. 

The princess removed her hand from Namjoon and placed it on the prince's hand.

The prince did a small smile and soon they both began to dance. Namjoon went straight to one of the many open bars that were situated around the room. He sat there and drank whatever alcohol the bartender gave him. He felt very uncomfortable. He hated having to communicate with others but he knew it was his duty as the next king.

He sat at the bar contemplating how to start a conversation with one of the other princes. He didn't notice that someone had placed themselves on the stool next to his.

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