Chapter 2: The arrival

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"This is an utter disaster! My humiliation is what everyone is talking about!" Nari cried out as she laid on her mother's thighs hugging her with all her might.

"Well honey, it will fade away. Just have patience." 

"No, mum. It won't. I am the only princess of Seoul who was rejected. This will go down in history. I will be the laughingstock for future generations!"

"Maybe you deserved it."


"I am sorry honey, but you were being insensitive when you invited Jackson. You know what he has done to Namjoon and our family." The queen explained as she was still clearly upset over last night.

"Mom, it wasn't supposed to be a bad thing. I wanted them to make up. Besides, Namjoon wasn't the only one that liked Jackson. I did too!"

"Nari, I don't care what the reason was. You should have never done that to begin with. Right now,  your brother feels depressed and miserable. I think you need to apologize to him before our guests arrive."


"Apologize, young lady."

As the queen had previously stated, Namjoon was feeling horrid. He fainted in front of the people. He felt so weak and believed the people thought so too. He believed that they were shaming him on social media. He was too scared to check. As the prince drowned in his self hatred, someone knocked on the door.

The princess barged into the room before Namjoon could ask who it was.  She looked like a huge mess: baggy clothes, puffed out cheeks, messy hair, tear-stained eyes, and heavy bags under her eyes.

"Mom said I should apologize to you." The princess stated.


"But I am not going too. I want you to apologize to me." Nari sneered.

Namjoon sighed.

"Because of your fainting. I had to hastily pick my princes just to get some damn attention! I got rejected and that is all everyone is talking about!" Nari screamed out in fury.

Namjoon could not deal with his sister rants today. He still had a headache from last night and his sister made the ache much worse.

"I am sorry, Nari. I shouldn't have fainted." Namjoon said in a defeated manner. 

"Your apologies are useless to me. Just stay away from my princes. Don't touch them, don't talk to them, don't even look at them." Nari commanded before exiting the room.

Namjoon silently agreed with his sister. He was not getting between the competition. He was happy just staying in bed for the day which he planned to do. 

While the castle was preparing for the princes' arrival, Yoongi was not ready.

Currently, the three princes were in a limo heading towards the castle. Yoongi was extremely nervous but he hid it well from the others.

He wasn't nervous about the competition for the princess. He was more anxious about the prince. He has never had an encounter with a gay person. His father had advised him to stay away and avoid the prince at all costs. Throughout the ride, he kept thinking of ways to avoid the gay prince. 

On the other hand, Taehyung wasn't thinking about the prince. Instead, he was busy sending break up texts to his hook ups. There was a good chance he would end up getting engaged after this competition. He needed to tie loose ends. He had really hoped he wasn't going to be picked for the competition. He only went due to his parents' persuasion. He had devised a whole plan to make the princess hate him. The problem was that the plan was supposed to occur when he was to ask her for a second dance. But since the princess had chosen way earlier than expected, the plan went up in flames. He hated the thought of marriage, but he saw how excited his whole family was about him being picked. His father had actually told him he was proud. He knew he could not disappoint so he was going to have to try. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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