Part 5 - Can't Wait

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"...And then she was smart enough to apply it with tattoos. It makes sense, right? That way her quirk can stay in contact with the scar for long enough, and when the actual scar fades, they're left with a beautiful work of art! I'm telling you man, she's the coolest. And she—"

"Fucking Christ, Kirishima, shut up."

"—Our first session is tomorrow, but I still can't choose a design. She's sent a bunch, but they're all so great, how am I supposed to pick?"

Bakugou was about to lose his shit. It had been two days since Kirishima and Red had gone over the contract, and it was all the Eijirou would talk about. It was driving Katsuki up the goddamn walls; thank the gods their shift was over.

Bakugou kicked open the door of their agency, not bothering to keep it open for the blabbering Kirishima and made his way to the elevator. Much to his disappointment, his partner followed close behind. "God, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I was gonna go talk to your fiancée, Kat." Since their engagement, Kirishima exclusively referred to her as such in front of Bakugou. How could he not when he was this excited for their wedding? The fact that Katsuki actually proposed to somebody was still the talk of both the media and everyone in their friend group. 

"I need to show her the new designs Red sent me. Do you wanna see them too?"


"This one's got a big beautiful sun in the middle, see? And it kind of branches out..."

Kirishima spent the elevator ride to the top floor scrolling through the concept art on his phone and attempting to show Bakugou, but Bakugou's gaze was stuck in a perpetual eye-roll. Once the elevator doors opened, they stepped out into the workshop.

This room was pretty much the pride and joy of Dynamight Agency. Here was where the retired hero, Whirlwind, conducted her work as their official Director of Engineering. Over the past 4 years she'd modified and improved the gear of heroes all over the world, not just Kirishima and Bakugou's. She had a real knack for it— in fact, most of the Agency's revenue came from her creations.

The workshop was spacious but packed to the brim with different machines. Only Whirlwind and her few apprentices knew what they did, and no one else dared to touch them. She was pretty strict about safety regulations; she ran a tight ship, but as a result, the Agency was one of the leading names in hero gear. They'd even signed deals with UA to create equipment for the next generation of up-and-coming pros.

Bakugou cupped his hands around his mouth. "Oi! Tinkerbell!"

"Over here, dumbass!"

At the far end of the room, she sat hunched over her desk, leaning against her hand that gripped her hair in frustration. The other hand was scribbling something nearly illegible to everyone else— but what she lacked in handwriting she made up for in her pristine final products.

The two of them made their way over to her. "You finished with that shit yet?" Bakugou asked, pulling off his gauntlets and sitting on the side of her desk. "We gotta go. Movie starts in 20."

Whirlwind paused to check her watch and groaned. "Are you serious? Man, I'm not even halfway. Fuck this shit, I'll finish tomorrow." She slammed her pencil against her desk and stood with an angry huff. "How'd the patrol go?"

"I don't even know why they commissioned us. Streets were fucking empty. Waste of time," Katsuki muttered. "Plus this bonehead wouldn't shut the hell up about his new girlfriend."

Whirlwind barked out a laugh as she slipped on her jacket. "Red Riot is dating again? Don't let the media find out, they'll go apeshit with that news."

"We aren't dating," Kirishima protested. "Her quirk is just so cool. I got the designs, wanna see?"

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