Part 48 - First Date

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CONTENT WARNING: explicit conversations about sex


The night was still warm as they walked.

"I don't get to walk at night much," Red said. "I think I like having a bodyguard. A bodyguard in a suit, no less. Quite easy on the eyes."

Kirishima, much taller and broader than his girlfriend, had to slow his usual strolling speed to avoid making her run to keep up. It was nice to go slow, though. It meant he could hold her hand.

Eijirou shrugged and smiled down at her. "It's bodyguard policy to dress to impress, ma'am."

"Why? To impress the client?"

"Well..." He paused to look down at his outfit. "Did it work? Are you impressed?"

Red stopped, tapping her chin as she eyed Eijirou up and down. She took her time, too, circling him slowly to make a show of it while he waited in anticipation. When her evaluation was finished she gave him a single nod.

"It worked. I'm impressed. But it might've worked a little too well."

"What? What do you mean?"

She nodded briefly at something behind Kirishima.

When he turned around, he understood what she meant. A group of girls, likely around their age, were pointing and whispering at them from the end of the street. Giggles echoed off the storefronts and Kirishima quickly whipped back around to face Red, eyes wide.

"We should go," he blurted, snatching Y/N's hand and pulling her into the nearby convenience store while she yelped in surprise.

"Don't you want to say hi? They're probably your fans—"

"That's what I'm worried about. If the internet finds out I'm with a girl, everyone'll freak. We gotta find me a hat or a mask or somethin'..."

Red scoffed at him while he tugged her down each aisle, scanning the shelves for something that might mask his identity. "A hat? How is a hat going to help?"

"You'd be surprised," Eijirou muttered, his eyes darting in a frantic 360 search around them. "Works like a charm. I was skeptical at first too, then I watched Midoriya put a fishing hat on in a crowd and slip away in seconds. Trust me, it's like magic."

"I still don't see why it's necessary. If they like you, why do you need to hide?"

"Well, I usually don't. But you're here, and I just..." His eyes met hers briefly, and Red could've sworn she saw him blush for a second. "...heroes usually keep relationships private. Especially if a break up happens, it makes it easier when the news—" He saw the look on Red's face and realized what he said, immediately waving his hands around and trying to backtrack. "Wait, not that I think we're gonna break up, I just mean—"

The bell above the convenience store door chimed.

"Shit." Kirishima crouched to keep his head lower than the shelves. "Is it them?"

Red stood on her tippy toes to peek at the entrance. Sure enough, the group of girls were glancing around, searching for the famed Red Riot they saw dart inside only moments before.

"It's them," Y/N chuckled. "Should I wave them over?"

"Don't you dare."

"Fine, fine. Stay here."

Eijirou's eyes nearly bulged out his head when she started walking away. "Red!" He whispered loudly, but she ignored him. He cursed under his breath. She had already rounded the isle, leaving Kirishima to peek through one of the shelves at the unfolding scene in absolute dread.

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