Part 64 - Switching Tactics

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This chapter contains NSFW content meant for readers 18 and up. Minors will be blocked.

CONTENT WARNING: Sexting, nudes, penetrative sex (cowgirl), dirty talk


Red woke to the sound of her phone buzzing.

In her disorientation, she fumbled against the nightstand until she managed to locate it. The bright screen made her wince but she squinted through the discomfort to check the notification.

EIJIROU: you up?

Y/N held back a laugh. It was 2 AM— she'd left him to sleep in his room several hours ago after his medicine kicked in. Seeing as their hosts specifically gave them two rooms, she was hesitant to bunk up with Kirishima on the off chance that their separation was intentional. The last thing she wanted was to overstep or seem ungrateful. She tapped out a quick message.

RED: Yes, I am now. Why are you awake?

He texted back almost immediately.

EIJIROU: you weren't in bed with me

EIJIROU: i don't like sleeping without you

The text tugged right at her heartstrings. He'd always been good at that.

RED: I wasn't sure that our hosts would be comfortable with us sleeping together.

After a second she added more.

RED: I don't like it much either.

She settled against the pillow again, smiling softly at the bright light of her phone screen. Her head ached from the brightness, but the draw of the three dots as Kirishima was typing drew her in like a moth to a flame.

EIJIROU: you ever snuck out before baby?

She chuckled in disbelief at his message, rolling her eyes.

RED: Eiji, you can barely walk.

EIJIROU: i mean you. sneaking into my room

A tug of war was taking place in Y/N's head. Of course she wanted to sleep beside him again; who wouldn't? Kirishima was a 200-and-something-pound cuddle lover, warm and hulking and cozy. Sleeping with those arms wrapped around her always guaranteed the best rest of her life. She felt his absence more heavily in the cold of her guest room.

RED: Do you think they'll mind?

EIJIROU: what they don't know won't hurt them

EIJIROU: unless my girl's too scared to break a few rules

The next message he sent was a photo of him lit by the lamp of his guest room. His thumb and pointer finger formed an L in front of his forehead and his tongue poked out at her through spiked teeth. She huffed at the screen, a pout tugging at her lips. He knew she was a stickler. Her punk of a boyfriend was fucking with her.

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