Chapter 3

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Faramir and his men were scouting the grounds of Ithilien when he heard a faint bird call. He signaled his men to to spread out and keep on the lookout for trouble. The trees and bushes hid them from whatever was out there. Faramir looked peeked his head out from behind the tree and saw Oliphaunts with carriage tier towers on top of them holding Haradrim archers and spear men. There was some walking on the ground. He knew where they were going. To Sauron. Sauron has called them to help him with his war, to spread darkness across all of Middle Earth. Faramir then notices two halflings laying on the cliff, watching the Haradrim pass by. He signals his men to start shooting at the enemy. Arrows rained over the wicked men and the Oliphaunts. The hobbits didn't know where the arrows were coming from. Arrows were hitting the Oliphaunts causing them to get on their hind legs and start shaking, making the Haradrim men fall to their deaths. Faramir saw a Oliphaunt come running towards the halflings, trying to get away. He saw a Haradrim man on the carriage, looking like he was getting ready to pounce. He draws out an arrow and shoots the man. The man falls onto the ground behind the halflings, instantly dead. The halflings start to panic and scurry away but Faramir's men step in. Both of the halflings put up a fight but were pushed to the ground. A sword was pointed at one. The other was pulled up and restrained.

"Wait! Please, we are innocent travelers!" The halfling on the ground yelled, hands up in a surrendering pose.

Faramir shows himself. "There are no such thing as travelers, only servants of the dark tower."

The one in the arms of his men looked at him with a stern look. "We are bound to an errand of secrecy. Those that claim to oppose the enemy would do well not to hinder us. "

Faramir looked back at him. "The enemy?" He walks over to the dead Haradrim man and pushes him over so he's facing upwards.

"His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is...where he came from. And if he really was evil at heart. What lies and threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stay, peace. War will make corpses of us all. Bind their hands." With that, they were off. The halflings hands were bind and a cloth over their eyes.

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"What news, Madril?" Faramir asked.

"Our scouts report that Saruman has attacked Rohan. Theoden's people have fled to Helm's Deep. But we must look to our own borders. Orcs are on the move. Sauron's army is increasing by the minute. Easterlings and Southrons are at the Black Gate. Madril was pointing out everything on the map.

"How many? Who's covering the river to the north.?"

Madril sighed. "Some thousands. More are coming every day. We pulled 500 men at Osgiliath, but if their city is attacked, we won't be able to hold it. We are outnumbered."

Looking at the map, Faramir pointed out, "Saruman attacks from Isengard, Sauron from Mordor. We have men on both fronts, but Gondor is weak. Sauron is going to strike soon, and he will strike hard."

Faramir walked out of room and went to where that halflings were. The blindfolds were removed as well as their bindings. The halflings looked around them, men were busy, running back and forth. Faramir approached them.

"My men tell me that you are orc spies. "

"Spies? Now wait just a minute!" The curly haired halfling said.

"Well, if you're not spies, then who are you." Faramir said, getting impatient.

The dark haired spoke up. "We are Hobbits of the Shire. I am Frodo Baggins and this is Samwise Gamgee."

"Where is your skulking friend? That Gangrel creature with the ill-favored look?"

"There is no other. We set out from Rivendell with seven other companions. One we lost in Moria. Two were my kin, as well as a dwarf, an elf and two men. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and Boromir of Gondor."

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