Wake up babe, Stuff's discrimination tier list just dropped

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For years I have committed various hate crime, I'm even registered as one of the rare celebrities who said the N-word in Detroit and lived to tell the tale. And honestly, if you can take on this much hate crimes in your life, then it only makes sense that you become somewhat of an accepted.

So, as the discrimination scholar, it's my duty to help the newbies navigate through what are the best types of discriminaitons and the cases where straight up committing hate crimes will beat any form of bigotry. Of course, I stay opened as to what the best courses in racism are, and if I lose my account from this, then the joke's on the Wattpad admins because leaving this place is arguably the best thing for me.

 Of course, I stay opened as to what the best courses in racism are, and if I lose my account from this, then the joke's on the Wattpad admins because leaving this place is arguably the best thing for me

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Mega based: Racism, transphobia.

Racism is a staple in the bigotry game, you will need to hate on at least one race to be even acknowledge. As for transphobia, it's not as required but it's definitely an easier start than racism, the material is self-sustaining and the population dwindling (get it, because 40%)

Great: Sexism, religious discrimination

Other really good starts in your discrimination journey. Sexism is definitely the hardest kind of bigotry to master, but the credibility it gives you among other bigots is only matched by racism. As for religious discrimination, while Christian discrimination has been made mainstream, islamophobia is the most noob friendly kind of religious discrimination, and more seasoned bigots can hate on other religions. I've been having some bouts of Hinduphobia recently, and it's like a whole new world has been opened. Religious bigotry is definitely the most versatile kind of discrimination

Decent: Fatphobia, ableism, homophobia

Fatphobia and ableism have a fair bit of overlap (this can be considered fatphobia, just showing how easy it is). Hating on body disabilities is honestly pretty good, but on the other hand, hate crimes on weaker than you is very fun, and fat people and disabled people don't really have any uniting factor, so I'm pretty split on the question, maybe some fellow bigot can help me break this case.

Now, I'm sure you've been wondering. But Stuff, homophobia has been a decades old staple of the discrimination industry, why would it be so low? Well the answer is simple, homophobia has been done to death. Nowadays, there aren't any real homophobes due to how full of exploits this type of bigotry is. From putting homosexials in the same banner as other LGBT groups to the people only hating on "stereotypically gay people" to Hollywood putting gay people everywhere and somehow still giving them a bad rep, homophobia is just not as good anymore.

Boring: Ageism, classism

Self explanatory: Ageism is hating on a dying population and classism is basically white people antisemitism, which means it's bland.

Just straight up kill them: Antisemitism, specism and bias against left handed people

I will just say that I put antisemitism there for entirely different reasons then the other two. The other two just suck, antisemitism has been so closely associated with genocide than the pre-austrian artist version just has no flavor. I hope one day we have someone with such a revolutionary mind to give homophobia its time in the sun again.

Until next time I guess

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