Sharing a realization about the world

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Greetings peasant, I'm Stuff, the one and only, my biggest feats in this world were my participation on close to 63 war crimes in the last 20 years along with the fact that saying my name is considered a hate crime in over 46 countries, including Canada, Germany and both Koreas. But this is not the fact of the matter here.

What I wanted to talk about was what happens all over the world. From Pride Month, to whatever the Black Lives Matter movement is doing, the pandemic still going strong and some smaller yet still important issues. Looking at all that, there's one thing I realized.

Having an opinion on everything is crazy hard, and finding the right person to talk about them without losing friends can be difficult, which is why I've come up with a solution.

I call it, the complicit rent system (which I will refer to as CRS since it's easier), what is the CRS I hear you say?

Well, to put it simply, for a certain cost, I will align myself to your opinion, no matter on which subject (1). Do you wish to defend a fandom? A political ideology? Something more simple or complex? A product or brand? Well say no more, for a reasonable price, you will not be alone when having a debate.

But what do I gain with this system?

A lot of things my friend.

- You will get to speak of anything with someone who won't judge you (2) on anything and will stay perfectly neutral (2) on the topic

-You get a group effect whenever you're in an argument, and number wins every battle

-You'll have someone on your side, meaning that your opinion may not be so retarded after all

-You will have someone to share things that you may not want to share to family or friends, for fear of losing them

Ok, but what do you get?


-A fucking hobby

That sounds interesting, what do I have to do?

Oh it's very simple, you just send a form with your full name, opinion you wish to defend and eventually a reading list aligning with said opinion. After paying the money, you will send a link or address of the place the contract has to take place. These are the current offers

Listener pack (2$)

-You get someone who will listen to you

-Said someone won't answer or react in any way and will act as a shoulder to cry on

Hypeman pack (5$ BP(3))

-All the above

-This person will support you in anything you say (4)

-Will regularly answer in a supportive manner with comments like "OMG U R SO RIGHT" or "SLAY XDDDDDD"

Supporter pack (10$ BP(3))

-All the above

-Will read any book you recommend them to defend your opinion

-Will sometimes provide something useful to the conversation

Teacher pack (15$ BP(3))

-All the above

-Will read a few more books on the subject to have a stronger opinion

-May carry the conversation in your stead

-Will keep the debate going even if you aren't here

Those packs will last at most 3 days, otherwise, you can decide when to end them, we seek with this project to give people a stronger grasp in what they believe, to make them both confident and educated, and while the CRS is still in its early days, we hope to create one day a society that is stronger and happier (5).

Below are some legal bidings we have to make, so, for those who won't read until there, I wish you a good and happy time


Legal bidings:

(1): The contract can be refused or left unanswered depending on the time and willingness of the provider

(2): Our workers promise you to break the contract and repay you if any of those were to happen

(3): Base Price, can be set higher or lower depending on the issue or opinion

(4): Any dangerous, harmful or illegal process will be under the responsibility of the client

(5): It's surprisingly easy to spout that corporate garbage, of course I just want money. I won't send that tho, I need to remember to delete this when I wake up and publish that crap.

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