Chapter 1

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Night at Gotham city all the sparkling lights across the city, family's happily laughing, friends dancing and talking together, couples holding hands while crossing the streets. Yet a whole other side to this wonderful city, criminals in the darkest alleys, mob bosses walking around unnoticed, police sirens echoing from a far, banks being robbed.

With all that one little woman, so beautiful, her blue eyes to her pink heart shaped lips. He beautiful brown silky hair that flows with the wind that blasts at her. Her body was so fit, so curved. That's violent Anderson. A 21 year old woman, lives in Gotham city since birth, she works at Wayne enterprises.

Violets POV:
Working at Wayne enterprises is just as boring as ever! But to know I'm working at the biggest company in Gotham just makes me sound so cool. But the past few days the joker keeps threatening Bruce Wayne and Batman to give them what he wants. I honestly couldn't care less, I don't even know what he wants from Bruce if he said Batman it would've been normal but come on Bruce?! That just made it so weird but it wasn't my business.

All of sudden Bruce comes to my office and snaps me out of my thoughts. " Hey violet, I need the paper work from document 146 all signed I need them by 2pm" he came saying so coldly. " yeah okay sure I'll get them done" I replied to him smiling. He then left the office and closed the door behind him. I turn to look at the time, OMG IT WAS 1PM. How am I supposed to finish them by 2pm!? My anxiety built up on me and I began to stress. As soon as I got the document opened I started signing as soon as possible it was about 19 papers to sign.

At about 1:45pm I got a phone call and it was Regina zellerbach. " hey violet this is important. The 3pm meeting changed to 2:15 and Bruce is angry he needs the paperwork now" she said almost yelling. " okay okay I got about 3 papers left and I'll be right there" I stuttered saying that. She hang up on me and I got back to working.

I was done at 1:57 and I took the paperwork and placed it in an envelop and speed walked down the hallway to the meeting room. As I opened it I heard Bruce yelling at Regina. I got scared of course but I had to walk in. " sorry mister Wayne here is your paperwork all signed for you" as I bowed down. He walked towards me and took the papers aggressively. I flinched but ignored that and sat down to discuss before the meeting.

More and more people came till it was time to start the meeting. As this meeting was a live meeting two reporters came in and three camera men. Bruce sat at the middle of the long white marble table. And some other coworkers as I sat next to Bruce to his left and Regina to his right. We started talking about how we'd make Wayne enterprises higher in technology and even more modern. I mean it was already modern what do you need more?

Soon enough, two large sized men came crashing in with huge guns hanged around them and a gun in their hand. Everyone in the meeting starts screaming and stands up. I panicked of course and started screaming, but Bruce was surprisingly so calm! The men started pointing their guns at us and told us to sit down and shut up. Well I obviously obeyed him didn't want any problems. I sat down and as soon as I did six more large men came crashing in holding us in place. Everyone in the meeting was panicking except Bruce.

After the men finished holding us at place. Someone came walking with the most confidence. He had this wide smile, painted red all the way, he had black around his eyes. His brown eyes were so sparkly. His dirty green hair slicked back. He had his purple long coat and a knife in his hand. He started laughing maniacally, and let me be honest with you. It was. HORRIFYING!! Everyone was freaked out! He came all the way to Bruce, still laughing. He smacks his shoulders and says " oh why hellooo Bruce Wayne. also known as uh billionaire kid " as he giggles. He looks at me and sees me panicking, he gets down to my level and Grabes my chin " why so uh scared? Is it the scars?" He said in a scary tone. A tear drops down my face but I tried to hold it back but I couldn't. He tightened his grip on my chin and says " don't cry!! That's childish!! " he says very angry. I stop crying or I try to.

He picks me up from the chair and takes the knife to my throat, it was so close to my throat that I had to look at the ceiling for it not to cut through. He looks at Bruce and screams " where is my uh deal Bruce?!" He then looks at me and gives me a death stair I panicked even more on the inside. Bruce stood up and yelled back " there no deal you freak!" Jokers men hit Bruce's head to the table so hard he fainted. Joker looked at me and said " well I've got a new toy till I get my deal " he giggled. He looked to Regina and said " oh sweetheart don't panic, but do panic when your uh so called boss doesn't get me my deal" he laughed as his men grab me with a tight grip and take me to a van while walking behind the joker.

He pushed me to the van and I sat trying not to get the joker angry so I didn't say anything. One of his henchmen took the wheel and started driving while the others sat lined next to each other. And joker sat across of me. " what's the deal with you and Bruce? What does it have to do with me? " I said looking at my feet. He looked at me dead in the eyes and said " one I need u to threaten him with two it's uh none of your business" as he looked away. " I won't help with this he couldn't care less to what happens to me, please let me go please mister joker" I said as I begged him. He looked at me and said " no Cant do darling " as he laughed. I looked back with an scared face. And sat quiet during the whole ride.

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