Remeber Me?

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The next morning mom fought with me to get up, but she understood most of it because I had Melody in my bed when she came to get me. I felt her pick up Melody and said I'll be back in ten, she didn't have to come back because when she did I was already up. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. I told mom and Melody bye, Alex had already left for school. I asked where dad was before I shut the door and she said asleep, that figure, he always was. I smiled and waved bye. I walked to my bus stop and waited and then the same truck from last night pulled and there he was the mystery guy. He asked to give me a ride and I told him no that I was okay,and he said alright see you soon and winked at me then drove off. The bus finally came and there weren't a lot of people there, probably because most kids had cars to drive to school or maybe because it was a small part of town where I was. When we got to the school I started to feel nervous and the worrying started to set in, but I knew I just had to go to the office, get my schedule and get to class. A part of me wanted mystery guy to be there when I walked in but he wasn't and kinda felt disappointed and relieved because I knew this wasn't a thing, he was a stranger that snuck through my window.. A cute stranger. 

My first class was math. I was pretty okay at it, not the best and I already knew what they were going over from my last school. When she gave me the paper she said if I didn't know the material it was okay and I was done with the paper in fifteen minutes. I could already tell some of the girls didn't like me just because of that and they were the girls that only cared how they looked. They laughed and said some things under their breath as I walked by. I just kept walking, class was not even near being over so I just laid my head down on the desk and fell asleep since I didn't get much sleep last night.

The bell finally rang and the teacher had to wake me up. I didn't hear it and she asked me if I was okay and I told her I was fine, just tired from moving. She nodded as if she understood and then showed me where the gym was. Was I happy I had gym class? Not really, but guess what? Mystery guy was there and I felt relieved but nervous. Why was I nervous? He was just a stranger.  He was playing catch with a group of boys as a group of girls gave him the googly eyes, ew. He noticed me when I came in and sat down on the ground and pulled out my phone as he was running over the group of girls who followed him with their eyes. He came over and put his arm above me and said remember me? I tried my hardest not to smile and give in, I shook my head no and said oh wait yeah you're the weirdo who came through my window last night. He laughed and shook his head and asked me why I was playing hard to get and I said I don't even know who you are, how am I playing hard to get? He walks away and says see you soon,and turns towards me and mouths very soon. 

I sigh and text my mom asking her to come get me and she says that she is working and I tell her it's fine even though I want to die. She had asked me if I met anyone and I didn't dare tell her about the mystery guy. 

Mom started working from home when she caught dad in bed with another woman and then dad's boss found out that it was a colleague of his and they both got fired and since then he hasn't been able to keep a job. So he sits at home fights with mom and drinks, he does little side jobs sometimes and whatever money he makes off of it he buys beer with. 

The gym coach calls me over to her and asks me if I play any sports and I tell her no and she gives me a disappointed look and says alright but for now on you'll need to bring gym clothes because sitting out won't be acceptable, I nod and the bells ring. I'm the first out the door and guess who's behind me, yup. He puts his arm around me and says what class do you have next and I said stop trying to follow me like a lost dog.  He lets go and says what class and I say sex ed and my face turns red and I look down and he turns a little red too and says welp you're in luck because I have that class too.

I roll my eyes and say lead the way and he does of course.  I didn't understand why he was trying so hard to get to know me, what was there to like? What did he see? I have never had a boyfriend and I didn't understand what I felt. The only times I have even thought of love was when I was reading books in my room alone never involving anyone else. As we walked into the class he tried to get me to sit by him, but there was no way not in this class. I sat on the other side of the classroom and he followed me to the seat. The teacher came in and started taking roll and I swore this was going to be the death of me. One by one he started calling names and then he called my name Harmony Rayne? Here I say he makes a humming sound and says Harmony, I turn around and look at him. The teacher calls one last name Greyson West? I hear him say here as I turn around he whispers don't even, I laugh and slowly turn around back towards the front of the class. We start class and as the teacher is  talking I can feel Greyson messing with my hair and so I pulled my hair to the front so that he couldn't  touch it. I wrote him a note that said stop creep and I slid it back while the teacher wasn't paying attention.  He wrote back fast and said fine, I'll leave you alone until tonight. Tonight,what? He was crazy, and looked like I was keeping my window  locked tonight. For the rest of the class hour the teacher spoke about what we would be going over. When the bell rang I threw the note away and went to lunch. He didn't follow me this time he had another class and I felt relieved. I got my lunch and went and sat down. After a while I was joined by three girls who were in my math class, I looked up from my book and said can I help you? They all looked at each other and laughed a little and said yeah you can, stay away from Greyson. One girl spoke and said yeah we have had a thing going on for almost a year and I don't need you coming in here and messing that up. I laughed in disbelief at what I was hearing and the girls stared at me like they didn't know what I was laughing about , as I stood up I polity said look I have no idea who you are, but I don't even know Greyson like that we just have classes together, then I walked off. I started walking to my next class and Greyson wasn't in there, the teacher called his name but he wasn't there. Maybe that was normal for him, I didn't want to keep thinking about him and so for the rest of the day I didn't. The rest of the day went by slowly but easily. When I got home Alex wasn't home yet and dad was gone. I couldn't find mom anywhere but Melody was asleep upstairs. I was walking down the hall to my room when mom came out of another room in a robe and looked like she had seen a ghost. Oh your home she said yeah i'm just going to go take a nap,I analyzed the robe she was wearing it was silky and looked expensive. It didn't look like something mom would have worn before the move. I kissed her on the cheek and went into my room and threw myself on my bed and almost immediately fell asleep. 

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