You're Just A Stranger

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Mom didn't wake me up, not even for dinner. I woke up around seven,I was hungry but didn't want to move. A part of me wanted to know if Greyson had come by my window or if he had forgotten about our little note in class. It didn't matter but for some reason deep down inside of me it did. I Finally got enough energy to get out of bed and went to the kitchen and looked for mom but I found my dad. He looked at me and then took a drink of his beer and said your food is in the fridge and your mom and Melody are asleep. I didn't say anything to him and kept walking to the fridge and grabbed my plate and went to my room. As I was walking down the hall I heard him call my name Harmony, I turned around and he continued what happened to my little girl and it looked like he might cry. I smiled and said don't act innocent dad and shut my door. 

I didn't like when my dad acted as if he didnt do anything to this family when he caused a lot of it. I put my plate on my dresser and grabbed my book from my bag and laid in bed and was reading for about twenty minutes when I heard a little knock on my window. I smiled before I got up but dropped it before I could let him see. I held my finger up as if to say hold on and ran to my door and locked it. I let him in after and said what a surprise, he looked at me with worry as if I had done something to scare him. I let out a little laugh and said dont be going soft on me all day you have been flirting with me and he looked down and said yeah right i'm not. Part of me didn't believe him mostly because I knew that look I gave it to my mom a lot. He asked me if he could sit on my bed and I shrugged and he did. I asked why he wasn't in class after my lunch and he said I had some things to deal with and I left it at that because he didn't owe me anything. My heart just wanted to know he was okay.  We sat in silence for a while then he spoke and said I know I'm a Stranger to you and you're a stranger to me but can I talk to you about something? I looked at him with the same look he just gave me when I let him in, I nodded because I cared. He let out a big breath like he had been holding it in for a while now and said my parents were fighting that's why I left and if I know my father it would had gotten physical…I wanted to be there to protect my mom, that's why I wasn't at school for the rest of the day. I didn't know what to say so I stared at him as he started to apologize. I moved to the bed with him and said don't. For that split second the air felt heavy but it felt like me and him were the only people in this world. It felt nice to have someone understand, I stared into his deep brown eyes for what felt like forever and then he turned his head and I sighed. 

He said Harmony, this  can't happen  and I looked at him confused. Excuse me I say and he turns his head back as I continue  speaking he keeps eye contact. You're the one that has been flirting with me all day. I started getting louder and my dad ended up hearing me. He tried to open the door and asked me to unlock it and I said I'm on the phone and left. Greyson told me he had to go and I was angry and hurt and he noticed it as he was climbing out my window. He looked at me and said I'm sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you, I tried to laugh and said hurt? There is nothing to be hurt about, you are just a stranger and he smiled and said right. 

I watched him drive off with tears in my eyes, why did this hurt? Maybe because he was sweet,or the fact he climbed in my window to talk to me or the fact he left. I didn't want to think of it anymore. I put my headphones in, locked my window and laid in bed. I didn't fall asleep till I saw the sun coming up. All I could think about was his truck driving way last night. Mom came in to wake me up and took my headphone off and I asked and begged to stay home but she told me I could tomorrow since it was Friday, I sighed and agreed with her and when I came out for breakfast dad was actually up and dressed nice I didn't bother asking why probably trying to go find a new job since no one here knew about his accident back at home but i did, mom did we all knew what he had done. Mom took Alex to school while I got ready,when she came back I was sitting on my bed and she came and sat down beside me and said I know it's hard Harmony but I'm doing the best I can and even your dad is trying. I looked at her and said I know you didn't forgive him and you do hate him but yall stayed together for us and she didn't say anything because she knew I was right. We left the house and she took me to school since she didn't have to work till later. 

When I got inside the school I didn't eat. I just went to class and the three girls were already there, they were applying lipstick and laughing together. When they saw me the laughter stopped and they must have sensed something was off with me because one of the girls quietly said Greyson must have broken her heart and laughed and I ignored it because he didn't. I sat down in the back and laid my head down again and fell asleep. Class went by faster since I was sleeping but I had gotten called down to the principal's office. The teacher woke me up and said that I needed to go see him. When I walked in the office I saw Greyson sitting in a chair and for a second I thought this had to do with him but it did not at all. The principal met me in the main office and greeted me and he was nice and took me into his office and asked me to sit down. I asked what this was about and he said he just wanted to welcome me to the school. After we got to know each other he sent me back to class and when I was walking out Greyson was gone.

A part of me wanted to know why he was in the office and if he had left because of things at home. It didn't matter I shook the thought of him away. I went into gym class after I changed into my clothes and when I walked in the gym, he wasn't there. I needed to stop looking for him, I started stretching and the coach explained that we were running around the track today and I rolled my eyes and was already looking for excuses. That's when I heard his voice, his deep, soft, sensitive voice. I turn around and he says I bet I can run faster than you, I smiled but then last night sat in my mind again. After I dropped my smile and turned around he leaned down and said I'm

 sorry for last night. At the same time he said that the coach said to start running so I used that as my excuse to leave him behind. 

He caught up to me though, it didn't take him long. Hey, why did you start without me? I looked over at him and sighed and ran faster and again he caught up. I ran faster and was almost to the finish line when one of the three girls threw a water bottle out on the track and I stepped on it  and rolled my ankle. When I fell to the ground Greyson was over there in a heartbeat and the girl yelled to me to stop faking it and I laid down on the ground and was crying and Greyson picked me up and took me to the nurses office. He laid me down on the bed in her office and then said he would be right back. The nurse began to ask me questions and feeling for anything broken. Greyson came back and said is she okay? And the nurse nodded and said boyfriend? And I quickly said no as he just stood there,he looked at me and then down at the ground. The nurse asked if I wanted to call home and have someone get me and Greyson said he was taking me home. I didn't argue because I was in a lot of pain. When we pulled into my drive mom's car was gone, I let out a sigh and said can you come in and he nodded and said of course. He helped me out of the truck and we were  met at the door by Alex and I asked where mom was and all she said was what happened? I rolled my ankle I said and she took me from Greyson and said thank you and tried to shut the door but I said he is staying for awhile. She laid me on the couch and started talking to me about her day and then looked at Greyson then me, I knew exactly what she was about to ask and I mouthed no to her she mouthed back later. I rolled my eyes and told Greyson to come sit down.

Dad came out of the room and freaked out when he saw a boy in his house. Greyson didn't need me to tell him it's time to go. He could see it on my face. He got up, told me bye and then said eleven thirty and then winked at me. Dad started yelling at me and as Greyson was walking out mom and Melody were walking. Mom didn't say anything until she shut the door. She said to Alex why did you have a boy in the house without asking and Alex said not me this time, mom looked at me and said Harmony, you know the rules. I did know the rules but mom didn't know what happened yet. Mom was going to give me a chance to speak but dad cut me off and told me to get up and come here and when I said I couldnt he grabbed me and tried to make me. That's when Alex said to stop and that I rolled my ankle and the guy that was here is in her gym class all he did was bring her home. Mom looked at me and I said it's true I rolled my ankle while running. Dad dropped me to the ground and went up the stairs to their room. Mom gave Alex Melody and said take her to your room for a minute while I take Harmony to hers. I was crying because now I was in more pain the before, mom picked me up and carried me to my room and laid me down and propped up my foot she sat beside me and said you should've called me and I responded with I know and i'm sorry Greyson is sweet and he lives close and he offered. She told me she wasn't mad and that she was glad I was okay. She then asked if I needed anything before she left and I said to just turn the light off. I wanted to sleep. 

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