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ONE more day after the typhoon, Maya became fully recovered from her high fever. So she didn't waste any more time and went to her man. She can't help but smile widely when she saw him loading things at the back of his RAV4.

"Hi. You're going somewhere?" Reeve just had a glance of her and went back to what he's doing. "Do you need some help?"

"No thanks. I can do it myself."

She felt sting on his words. Reeve seems back to his grumpy snob self again. Are they going back to square one again?

"Where are you going?" Maya saw some eco bags loaded inside the car. "Are those relief goods? Are you going to give help to the place affected by the typhoon? That's very nice, Reeve. Can I come? I think I can help."

"You just came from a high fever. You shouldn't be roaming around outside."

"Like you said I'm fully recovered. Plus, I'm just going to give the goods to people. It's not that stressful. Don't worry about me."

"I'm not worried about you." Then he closed the car's door. "I just don't want any troubles when I go to places. It's just a nuisance for me. Just go back to your house and rest."

"I will not be a nuisance or a trouble." She kept her distance for them not to clash. He was doing something good for the people. It's not good to ruin his mood just because of her. "Fine. Just take care."

She went back to their house sulking but she was startled with the loud horn from a car. She was about to curse at her brother who was the culprit when he talks.

"Sis, the home owners association here was looking for volunteers. Do you wanna come? For you to be at least useful to the country."

She immediately went inside her brother's car. Then she turned to see the confused look on Reeve's face. She just wave at him.

"Bye, Reeve!" She even gave him flying kiss. "See you at the evacuation center."

She watched him over the side mirror of her brother's car when they started moving. He was watching then as they drove away. If she's not mistaken, she also saw irritation in his face.

"Hey, don't do anything when we reach the evacuation center." Val started. "I just let you come with me because you look pitiful in front of Reeve."

"Don't worry kuya. What do you think of me, a little kid that you needed to watch?"


"Curse you! You're more troublesome than me. That's why you were always scolded by mom."

"Just don't make a mess there. People are already in chaos so don't add up."


"And Reeve was right. You just got out from high fever. It might come back. You'll be a bother to me again."

"Bother? You didn't even check on me when I was sick."

"Hey, it's not good to accuse."

"I'm not accusing but stating the fact." She pointed out but then smiled. "Kidding aside kuya, why are you so supportive on me when it comes to Reeve? Do you like him for me?"

"Sure. He's the only hope I have for you to get married. I don't know how to take care of you, sis. Just look at what happened when you got sick, but Reeve took care of you."

"So you just wanted to get rid of me?"

"Yes." Then he paused again and thought. "Aside from the fact that he really knew how to take care of you. He even seems to have enjoyed it. It's weird, isn't it? That he's enjoying taking care of you."

"Me too. I'm happy that he took care of me. Good thing you're lazy."

"Agreed." Maya was relieved. It's good news for her that there is at least one who approved about Reeve-Maya love team. "But you must be careful, sis."


"You might fall in-love with him. You'll ruin your devotion to be an old maiden, if that's the casr. On the second thought, that's not a bad idea, right?"

She froze. "In love? I'm in love with Reeve?"

"Unless you're really in love." Her brother laughs loudly. "That's bad news for you. It might be the start of headaches and heartaches for you too. So if I were you, I'll prepare myself now."

"I'm not in love with him."

"Hah. Do you hear yourself, sis? Because you know, the convictions on your voice are not strong while talking about it now compared before."

She slapped his arm. "I said I'm not in love with him. I mean, I'm just happy being with him. It doesn't count as being in love."

Until they reach the center where their other neighbors are already present as they also volunteered, Maya is still thinking about it. Was she in love with Reeve? Was it not just a simple fascination? The fate might be playing when she turned to the car that just arrived. It's Reeve. She felt her heartbeat fast when she saw him. The beating became more rapid when he also turned to her the moment he came out of his car.

She felt a different uneasiness inside her. It's not familiar to her. She can't even control it. So she just diverted her attention on getting the bags to give it to those families who were in the evacuation center.

Oh, God. Is my weird and crazy brother right this time? She thought. Is she really in love with Reeve?

It seems like her heart has its own mind that every time she ask herself if she is really in love with him, her heart raced, like it was the answer to the question. Maya hoped she knew how to decode heartbeats.

It's hard!

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