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THE sun was up that morning. It was a bright sunny day. Like there's no typhoon that ruin some houses or places. It's been two days past now. Maya was relaxing in their garden and at that moment Reese is also just sitting on her front yard, on his lounger and reading magazine.

After they went back from the evacuation center, they never talked to each other again. And she missed the hell out of him. But she can't just talk to him or send him text message due to her discovered new feelings. She's afraid that she might spill something to him that she shouldn't have. So she endure the time she can't talk to him. It actually helped her get a grip of herself and to think straight.

She accepted it. She already love Reeve. Okay, fine. She wasn't expecting it but it happened. And what was more intriguing was she was really fine with it. She was just surprised and shocked at first, the reason why she can't accept it to herself. It was new to her. But she's fine now. She can face him again.

So here she is now, facing him… just a few meters away from him. She saw him glanced at her. Maybe they were just trying to weigh the atmosphere between them. Maya decided to move first and send him a message.

I won't say sorry for it.

She looked at him again and a few seconds she got his reply.

I don't expect you to.

Good. 'Cause I won't say sorry for it.

You already said that.

You don't care. I just want t be redundant today.


She irritatingly erased his messages. Was that it? That's the only reply she could get? Why not even bother to complete the word for her not to be frustrated. Is it hard to type the whole word 'okay'?

But then she pinched herself. Why was she complaining for that simple text message?

So what? Then let's do it too. Then she typed. K.

You want to have some coffee with me?

She unintentionally dropped her cell phone. Did she just read it right? She picked it up again and read it once more. It was clear. He's asking her to drink coffee with him. So she turned to him this time and saw that he's watching her, probably waiting for her to get up and approach him.

Are you sure?

Yes. Well?

K. Come in here.

She saw his forehead wrinkled.

What for? The way to Cape's Corner is here.

He's talking about the coffee shop in their village where most of the residents hangs out.

It's up to you.

Why do you have a lot of requests? We're just having coffee.

Then drink coffee by yourself.

She tried so hard not to move every inch of facial muscle and stop not to smile, especially when she saw him stood up and walk towards their yard.

"Well?" He was now outside their gate. "Are you coming or not?"

"You sound insincerely inviting. I'll pass."

He sighs in defeat. "Maya, do you want to have coffee? It will just take a minute."

One of the benefits of being a woman or a girl is having a right to won over. And that's what she felt right now. Being a woman. She already stood up before he'll take back his invitation.

On her way out, she turned to her brother who was currently cleaning his car. "Bro, tell mom I'll just accompany Reeve at Cape's Corner."

"Mom!" Val suddenly shouted. "Maya is going to elope with Reeve!"

"Okay!" She heard her mom replied.

"Rock on, dude!"

She just threw the dipper used to water the plants on her brother and went outside. Then they were already walking side by side going to the coffee shop.

"Why did you suddenly thought of asking to have coffee today?"

"Just because. Do I need to have a reason?"

"Nope. I'm just curious."


"We just had an argument yesterday, right?"

"You're the one who get mad at me and even threw my things out of my car but I still didn't say anything."

"Maybe you didn't say anything but your face says it all."

"Because those things had been a part of me." He put his hands on his jeans pockets. "It's hard to let those things go just like that."

Maya knew he wasn't talking about those key chains. "But if those were the only source of your sadness, then why not throw it away? Memories are meant for beautiful things, Reeve. Not for the miserable and not so good events in life."

"I know that."

"But it's still hard for you to let it go." He didn't say a word so she took it as a 'yes'. "I'm sorry if I've been too harsh in convincing you to forget. I've been observing you for a year, Reeve, and even once I never saw you do something just to get out of your past. Like all the people here in our village, they all tried not to talk about what happened to you because they don't want to hurt you again. But, the only help they can give you is to cover up your past instead of letting you face it and fix it. And that was not good. Look at what happened to you."

He didn't say anything again but she knew that he's listening. They continued walking in silence. And she stayed by his side. Maya remembered that when she first met Reeve, he was not the talkative type but he still accepted him. Just like what she said in her message to him before, she will accept who he is. So, here she is, staying by his side. Waiting fir the tine he will open up for her. She'll just patiently wait.

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