Part 1

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My head starts spinning, everything is a blur. My chest starts to get tight as I look at the dead man on my floor. My stomach starts to twist as I try to wrap my head around the fact that I killed an absolute stranger. Adrenaline pumped through my body, how could I have done that, how could that have happened. He just lied there, unmoving.
'You just killed a man!'
"I know, I did! But he followed me into my house!" I yell back to my inner self
'Did you ever think that he maybe had a family!?'
"Him!? Why would someone like him! A killer! Have a family!?" I yell as I look down at the dead body that lays in a pool of blood. I slowly reach into my pocket to pull my phone out keeping my eyes on the dead body. I steadily but carefully move my eyes off the body to dial my brother's number.
"What is it, Cassandra? You better have a good reason to be interrupt me in a meeting, and if you don't have a good reason, it would be a clever idea to hang the phone up right—"
"I killed someone!" I burst out
"You what?!"
"Why would you do that!?! What if he had a family!?"
I laugh at the comment my brother made. "Diesel... if someone like him had a family I would be very worried for them" once again I laugh
"Cassandra! This isn't funny!"
"Why isn't it? You kill people all the time!"
"That's different, you know that!" I just keep laughing.
"Cassandra! Stop laughing!"
"Diesel, just come help me get rid of the body!" I yell while trying to fake cry.
"Hey, its ok, I'm on my way, just stay away from the body"
As he finishes telling me what to do I hang up on him.

I slowly stand up, not taking my eyes off the body. Before I know it, I'm walking back and forth, with my head running a million miles an hour, my hands slowly become shaky. Right as I walk over to the wall, I hear a fast but heavy knock at the door.
"It's unlocked!" I yell knowing it's probably my brother.
"Well, the door should be locked, Cassandra" I just roll my eyes
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"Just bloody help me"
"Lose the sassiness, your only 18 and you have this much sass- "
"Diesel! Help me! With the body!"
"Damn... ok... grab his leg/feet and we'll lift him up on that sheet"
"Hold up, what's your plan?"
"What do you mean what's my plan?"
"What are you going to do with his body?"
"Sharks" I stop what I'm doing and look at my brother.
'HAHA, we get to feed him to the sharks!" I roll my eyes at my inner self's comment. Sharks... why not burn him? Or something more fun?
My thoughts continue to race in my mind as Diesel and I loaded the body into his boat. I feel the boat jerk as the engine sputtered over, soon we start moving. My thoughts slowly turn to all the unusual ways I could have gotten rid of the body.
"Cassandra...what are you thinking about?"
'Oh, you know, all the unusual ways I could have killed him and all the possible ways I could have-'
"SHUT UP!" I yell at my thoughts and my inner self, forgetting my brother was with me.
"Cassandra, I didn't say anything..." I roll my eyes again.
"You keep rolling your eyes, they might get lost in your head"
"Shut up..."
'Imagine all the people we could kill together! So many weak humans we can kill...'
"Can we just hurry up?"
"Yeah... Whatever"

Before I knew it, we came to a stop, my thoughts are still racing, he could have picked so many different other ways to get rid of this body, but no he thinks it's a clever idea to feed him to sharks! Soon I find myself helping my brother as we drop the body over the side of the boat. I wonder if he would let us watch.?
"Do we at least get to watch them eat him?"
"Why would you want to watch them eat him?"
"Cause, why not?"
"No Cassandra, we have your floors to clean remember? You killed a man"
"Well, no shit, I know I killed a man" I say rolling my eyes at him.

Words- 745

The chapters won't be long but I'm trying my best x

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