Part 2

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***Skip time-back home***
"Do you have any bleach we can use?"
"Ugh... Why do we have to clean it? Can't we just leave it there? And just let the blood stain the floors, then that way I can always remember that time I killed a man"
"Cassandra! You can't do that! What if people ask?!"
"I'll tell them, I killed a man, duh" I laugh at myself.
"You just sit on the chair, and I'II do it myself.
E- 'We could just kill him!'
'What the fuck is wrong with you!? We can't kill my brother!"
E- 'Or do you mean not yet?'
***Diesel's POV***
I start looking for all her cleaning stuff. After what feels like years, I finally find the things I'm looking for.
As I gather all the things I need, my thoughts start racing through my mind.
"She still hasn't told me why she killed him..
She's been acting weird ever since she killed him...
'Do you think she enjoyed killing him?'
"Don't be silly, she isn't crazy...'
I shake my head trying to get rid of my thoughts. My eyes slowly move off from what I'm doing to look at my sister who is just staring into nothing like she is zoned out while laughing like a psychopath, never thought I would say this... but maybe she has gone crazy.

***skip time-Cassandra's POV***
I watch my brother clean the blood up off the floor.
E- 'look at him...So weak'
"He's not weak"
E-'Are you sure about that? We can always find out, you know..
'Oh, yes? How?"
E- 'You know, we could kill him'
I laugh at my inner self's voice or so I think... the voice know was just a voice with smartass comments and telling me what to do when I couldn't think for myself...But this one is different... quite different... all most like she is evil and wants me to kill everyone...maybe I have two voices now?... can they both hear what I'm thinking?

My head keeps spinning, my head hurts from all the god damn thinking I've been doing...yet again I can't even seem think right... did I really enjoy killing that man? Or is the "evil" voice messing with me? I'm so confused...
Both- 'you should give us names, Cassandra'
(Bold is the voices arguing with each other)
'Why? Don't you like the name "the evil one"?'
'Well... I shouldn't get the name "the evil one" cause I'm not...
Well maybe you are evil! Telling her to kill people, is basically being evil!'
Oh, please not everyone can be an "Angel" like you'

I shake my head and roll my eyes as the voice in my head keep fighting, who would have thought that having voice in your head would make you so tired...
I look around the room and see nothing. Not even my brother... he probably left, and I didn't even hear him go cause of these voices and thoughts!

All afternoon my head has been spinning with thoughts and voices..... they won't shut up... I feel sick to the stomach... I just want to drink until I pass out. I hear it's the best way to stop thoughts and voices...
E- 'like that idea Cassandra... drink until you pass out'
"Well, if it shuts you both up, I bloody hell will!"
E- 'We should go then we can see how many people we can kill..'
'That's not a bad ideal think to myself
E- 'It will be fun'
I roll my eyes, at my voice. I'm still so confused on what's going on in my head. I have two voices...One is evil, and one isn't... one wants me to kill people and one doesn't. My mind has been racing non-stop since I have killed the strange man. I just want them to shut up even if it's only for an hour or two... surely a drink or two won't hurt me.
E- 'What's the worst that could happen? You kill someone?'
"Well yes actually that is the worst! I'm not ready to go to jail!"
E- 'That won't matter...
A- 'Well actually it would matter!'
E-'Would you shut up!'
A- 'Well I think I'm good! You should shut up!
E- 'I think you should'
A- 'Who the hell are you?'
E- 'Hmm... call me... evil and we shall call you "Angel'
" I thought I was meant to give you guys names"

Words- 754

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