Part 4

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"If I, was you, I would pour me a drink right this second or you'll have no brains left by the time l'm done with you! Do you understand!?"
"And if I, was you, I would leave my bar! Or I'll call the police!"
"You think that is going to scare me!? I'm the fucking devil from hell! And you have just made the worst mistake of your life!"
"Oh yes, what is that "Worst mistake"?"
"Crossing me!" I shout as I pull the gun out of my jacket and point it at his head.
"Do anything dumb and l'll shoot!" I scream as I point the gun to all the cameras that I can see in the bar.
"Get me that drink or the next bullet will be on you!"
E- 'Aim for the middle of his head, Cassandra'
"I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that, miss"
"I'm pretty sure I do!" I yell louder as I take aim in the middle of his head, between his eyes and cock the gun back.
"I'll give you 5 seconds... 5...4...3...2...1, That's it!" I say as I pull the trigger at him.
"Bloody bitch..."
E- 'Now we start running!'
"What about the body?"
E- 'RUN!'
and without another thought I start running.
My hearts start pounding as I pick up speed. My thoughts start to flood my mind as I run.
" just killed another man..." I breathe out as I run and try to catch my breath. I can hear my heart pounding through my ears. I feel my chest tighten and breath hasten as my legs move faster and faster, away from the body. The sight is still fresh in my mind. It drove me to move faster and faster, until my legs can't move anymore. Soon I came to a complete stop, as I came to an alleyway, I feel my legs about to collapse to the ground. My head snaps up as I hear voices coming from the alleyway. But I can't make out what they are saying though. I slowly make my way to the voices as I make my way to the voices, step on a stick.

"Shit..." I say under my breathe as I stop in my tracks once again. I move my eyes up and see two men leaning against the alleyway wall. They are dressed in black... one looks like he is ready to kill someone and has a cigarette in his left hand and a glass bottle in his other hand, while the other man, just has a cigarette in his right hand while is other hand is in his pocket, both their heads snap to look at me, their eyes are on me...
"Well...well what do we have here?"
"What can we do for you lovely?"
I roll my eyes
"Honey, you keep rolling your eyes and they might get stuck"
"Haha, funny" I say as I fake laugh at them.

"I really need you and your friend to get out of my way!" I say rising my voice at them
"Need a cigarette, love?"
"No! I need you and your dumbass of a drunk friend to move!"
"What will you do if we don't move? Hmm?"
"Well, I'll have no choice but to shoot you both!" I yell this time but they both just laugh at me as they both drop their cigarettes on the ground and stomp on them
"You, think you can shoot us? You? Weak helpless little girl"
"Yes me, a "weak helpless little girl" can shoot you"
Once again, they both laugh at me, I'm really getting sick of them.
"You are very funny young girl"
After a few seconds I hear something flying at me, I put my hand to catch it.
"Stop being so rude and bloody move!" I yell as I point the gun at them both.
"Oh sweetie, I wouldn't do that if I was you"
"Yeah, why?" I say trying to be a smartass.
"Cause you're fucking with the wrong people that's why." The next thing I know I feel something hit the back of my head... and everything goes black...

Words- 698

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