Chapter 1: THE ARRIVAL

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 It's a long arduous ride to where we are heading. Yes, We.

I am Adaliah Addams, Wednesday Addams's cousin from the long and chaotic bloodlines of Addams. I no longer have my parents with me, and I grew up under aunt Morticia and uncle Gomez's care. Though not physically as I choose to stay and live in my parent's house, they provided me with everything that I needed until this day.

Together with the Addams Family, we are heading to a very secluded academy in a place called Jericho, where Wednesday is transferring. I was asked by aunt Morticia to keep an eye on Wednesday to keep her somewhat manageable and to avoid similar incidents from her last school attended. I of course agreed as it is the only thing that I can do for them, though paying them back is not a very big deal as they already told me many times that paying them back is like removing them from my life and that's the worst thing I can do to my family since then.

Pugsley sitting in front, beside Lurch who is the one driving us to the place. I am seated by the window beside Wednesday in the passenger seat facing their parents who are in constant cringy, eye-sore lovebird things that irritate Wednesday to the point where she has to say something to get their attention. I for one is feeling sick the entire ride listening and watching them smoother over each other but didn't say a thing to show respect. By the looks of it, we are not the only ones annoyed by their overly-display of affection for each other. Suddenly, a flock of birds flew in our car's direction and even some managed and unfortunately hit the roof of the car and got injured in the process. but we didn't stop for them, which made me pity them. I do like macabre things too just like my family but hurting innocent lives is a no-no for me.

The married couple sings a few lines of the music playing in the car, then they kissed too much Wednesday's displeasure at the end of the music.

Aunt Morticia to Wednesday: hmmm.. Darling, how long do you intend on giving us the cold shoulder?

Wednesday turned to Lurch..

Wednesday: Lurch, please remind my parents that I am no longer speaking to them.

Lurch responded with a guttural hum to somewhat agree with Wednesday's request.

I'm not that talkative and just smirked at Wednesday's remark to her parents.

Uncle Gomez to Wednesday: I promise you my little viper, You would love Nevermore. Won't she, Tish?

Aunt Morticia: Of course She will, it's the perfect school for her. (Sounding much like She's convincing herself more, than us.)

Wednesday: Why? Because that's the perfect school for you?.. I have no interest in following your footsteps, becoming captain of the fencing team, Queen of the Dark prom, president of the Silent Society..

Aunt Morticia: I merely meant that finally, you'll be among peers who understand you. Maybe you'll even make some friends?

Wednesday: Then what does Adaliah has to do with this? To watch over me and someone who can tell you of everything I will be doing?

This made me look at her. "Don't worry, my dear cousin. I will be applying for a permanent job hence, watching over you would be a sideline only" I joked with a smirk on my lips. She only remained motionless but her parents silently laugh.

Uncle Gomez: Nevermore is like no other boarding school, it's a magical place. It's where I met your mother, and we found our love.

Wednesday: You Guys are making me nauseous. Not in a good way.

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