Chapter Twenty-Two

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Arthur marched around the house, slowly, ignoring all the mess surrounding him. Behind the window sun had been setting, the night was slowly about to come. The time he admired the most – when everything was finally quiet and calm, human life finally stopped. Unlike him, he didn't need sleep, and so he could enjoy this peaceful moment.

This place is just right, he decided.

The man went to another room, planning to get some of the books and notes George packed while rapidly leaving his home. Time before murders was always really calm, at least for Arthur. He used his time to read poetry, or write poems. – God knows what exactly was he putting in all of the many notebooks he filled throughout the years. His younger companion was never allowed to look inside. Another thing walking around, mastering the Codex and doing all sorts of things that no regular human would even want to think of. One could use a lot of words to describe Arthur – pedantic, cruel, lacking any feelings, but surely not regular. It was a mystery how a scared, confused mind of a little kid could create a personality so dark and enigmatic, almost entirely submerged in darkness.

The killer spent the night reading and analyzing his new neighborhood, which was in fact deprived of any neighbors at all. Getting to know his surroundings was crucial, he went through all the empty fields, looked inside every corner, remembering every detail. All of that so he knew how to behave once the next month approaches. Where to go, what to do. The only issue seemed to be transporting his new victims to this distant place.

At one point he heard a suspicious noise, instantly turned that way, with no fear, just plain interest. What he saw was a little, brownish cat. Its fur was messy and dirty, and half of its ear seemed to get lost in a battle. Seeing a stranger, it tensed and hissed angrily.

Arthur twitched, not without concern. Still, he was too proud to show fear and run away, and so ignoring his heartbeat's speed turned away and quickly walked away, avoiding his only weakness.

All the way home, he kept thinking about his most current problems. George started to question his actions, protest. The young man didn't want to understand his ideology and kept trying to fight him. Another thing was, of course, the unplanned victim, whom he couldn't touch in any way, not without breaking the rules. Just another problem that happened to hide in the basement. Arthur worried the kid could manage to run away and bring trouble upon them. And they had enough of those already, the police was already looking for the mysterious murderer. Police whose ways were still unclear for someone who knew nothing about human's morality.

Looking at all of that together, made him realize that hard times were about to come.

Well, life goes on.


hey!! im sorry!!

this is a quick one but i really wanted to update before finals season will start for good. Was about to make a christmas update as well but my life fell apart right before that :,))) so thats fun. you should see next update by the end of February and if not!!! Sb msg me!!! Like literally just dm me here or on ig/asocialmoth. i cant be trusted with shit *runs away*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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