Chapter Thirteen

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"Ringo, please, believe me. It's not me... I don't..." The words felt heavy on his tongue, but he wanted to tear down the barrier of lies that he built in from of his own friends. "I didn't kill all those people. Oh, God, I don't want you to look at me as a murderer without remorse... It's my fault. I should have gone to the police and end it as soon as it started, but he forced me to, he was blackmailing me. I couldn't just refuse." Ringo was watching him suspiciously with a question hidden in his eyes — who was this mysterious 'him'?

"So much evil happened because of him. Too much evil. He's name is Arthur. He's been with me for so long that I can't recall when he had appeared. I had no other friends in childhood, only him. Him, Arthur... who was always so... weird, hard to cope with. Sometimes I've had troubles to communicate with him. Sometimes I've been scared if him. But I was thankful because he took care of me. Soon he started to rub it in, and use it against me, so I regretted that I was unlucky to meet him.

After a few years Arthur started to force me into doing things so terrible that I didn't even want to think about them. I was horrified only by his words. It was too late to step back. I was in a dead end, nowhere to escape. Nowhere... I... Him... He killed a man!" On this day Arthur in fact killed two people — the second one was George. He killed him and threw the body away, not leaving time for tears. And so Harrison buried himself and kept marching forward the path trampled down by misery with Arthur leading him, holding him by a cold hand. "He killed a man. I help him to kidnap her and buried her ashes. I cleaned up everything, wiped the blood away. Wiped her entire existence. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I could sleep, I couldn't eat at all. Oh, God, I had to kill a man! But this wasn't an end, it was just a beginning and Arthur got into the routine... routine of killing. So much death.

It was the time when I was constantly excusing myself not to practice with you, guys, you know that? I couldn't just look you in the eyes after what had happened. I simply couldn't.

And it's happening to this day. Arthur convinces me to do evil and I'm only his silent henchman. Him, the person that only I can see. I see things that no one else does! It's sick! I see Arthur! I hear his voice! His commands! And all of this is meant only for me! He's taking control over me! The drugs don't work, they never have! I just want him to leave me, all of this to leave me!"

Tears were tickling George's lips, the man felt their salty taste. He promised himself to remain calm and broke this promise and now he was standing, shaking and nearly begging, waving his arms around in a crazy gesticulation. He didn't know who he was begging but didn't care at all, wanting only to be safe.

The guitarist thought that he's hearing bursts of laughter but it can't be Ringo, right? The blue-eyed man kept staring right into his eyes with pure shock on his face, trying to get a hold of all these facts, understand. He has never seen this side of Harrison, nobody has. The quiet man didn't show any signs of pain and madness hidden within his mind. He didn't want to. He wished to be a normal person, even for a brief moment. Where did this laugh come from? These screams? George's hands were sticky, like they were cover in blood. Blood that wasn't there.

Then he looked up at Starkey again. He was in love with a man. He was gay. He will never be normal, no matter what.

A hysterical laugh escaped his mouth; laughter and tears, laughter and tears, and the whole world seemed to spin. Along with him this mystery creature was still giggling, all of them were giggling. They were everywhere around.



"George..." The man who was still tied up on the floor tried to finally speak up, that's what brought Harrison back on Earth. "George, I am so sorry... I didn't know but... But that's doesn't justify all of those murders, Geo, everyone must fight with their darker side..."

He felt sorry. Harrison kidnapped him. Tied him up. Yet Richard still felt sorry for him.

"Ritchie, I did not deserve you."

The drummer raised his eyebrows.

"We've known each other for... three years? Yeah, I think it was when you came to Hamburg... Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. And from that point all of it went downhill, right? Two years later you were already part of The Beatles. We've been friends and, believe me, it gave me so much strength. If it's not for you, I wouldn't be able to carry on for so long. And now... look at us. I fucked this up, didn't I? You hate me, you think I'm a murderer, you want to get out of here by all costs. Nothing will be as it's used to be, even if my stupid self really hoped so. Don't think of me as a killer, I beg you. It's Arthur. Oh, God, he hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll never let anyone hurt you again... never..." George sighed quietly, feeling a great weight falling off his chest. Now only one thing left to confess... Last hidden sin on his long, long list, yet the hardest one to confess. "Cause you know, Richard, I still here only become of you... Because I love you."

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