3- where is he?

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It had been a weeks since clay and George met for the first time sapnap still hadn't replied and if had been becoming a great concern that took up most of dreams brain space (😭).

George was at clays house sitting on clays bed texting someone on his phone clay came back in the room after trying to call sapnap again.

Clay stood in the door way his tall frame casting a shadow on the floor a tear rolled down his face and on to the wood below them. "Hey cl- what's wrong" clay broke down his face going red and small sobs ascaped his mouth. he covered his face with his hands and sat on the chair but George motioned him to sit beside him.

George put his arms around clay pulling him close. Clay was sobbing into into George's shoulder his breathing quickened and clay broke away he slipped onto the floor and put his hands on his ears rocking back and forth.

George had no idea what to do he had never witnessed something like this he crawled onto the floor infront of clay he tried to slowly put his hand on clays but it was swatted away by clays hand George slightly winced at the contact and shuck his hand. He was slightly scared and slightly confused both emotions fighting in his head to be heard

Clays body was shaking and he begin muttering to himself saying "where is he" "I don't know where he is" "1234 "oh my god is he hurt" "1234 1234 1234".

George sat there watching he didn't know how he could help without making it worse "clay" George said, clay didn't respond to his name instantly but slowly opened his eyes and looked at George.

"George i-i can't b-breathe" clay said gasping for air "sh sh sh it's ok it's ok" George put his hands on clays clay letting him slowly bring them off his ears and held them in his lap. "Clay look at me breathe in and out" clay copied George calming down a bit.

"See your ok" George said. Clay wrapped his arms around George and they stayed like that for a minute until clay looks up at George and says "your very pretty George"

(Light smut)
George didn't know what made him do it he cupped clays face and kissed him, clay didn't pull away he kissed George back slipping his tongue in George mouth exploring all of him.

George had never kissed a man like this before and liked it he felt comfortable with clay even though he's only met him a week ago it just felt "right"

(End of smut)

They broke apart "sorry" George said "I had too"
"George it's ok" clay said smiling

"Anyways ermm are you ok you seemed a bit- emm-" George asked "oh emm yeah I'm j-just worried about sapnap" them memory of his best friend brought tears back into his eyes and wiped them away with his sleeves, leaving a faint black trail "and it's just been so jumbled in my head and it gets so overwhelming"

"It's ok clay I understand" bringing clay in for a hug again "it's ok I'm sure he's safe"

"Thank you George" clay said George smiled in response. "George Is it ok if you spend the night I don't really want to sleep alone" clay asked playing with his fingers "yes yes of course"

Clat had gotten up to get George another jumper he could wear. The jumper was so big it fell to his thighs a he pulled the sleeves up to cover his hands. "Your so cute like that" clay said which made George giggle. George texted his friends saying that he was staying at clays house and got into bed with clay. Clay wrapped his arms around George waist bring him in close.

They both fell asleep after about 10 minutes and slept like that until 2 o'clock in the morning when George had heard faint sobs coming from beside him, he sat up instantly and turned clay over to face him. His eyes were red and his face was puffy and tear stained. "Its alright clay it's ok" George said and pulled clay into a hug and rubbed his back I kissed him on the head. "Sh sh sh don't cry clay it's ok"

"i-i just d-dont kn-know where he i-s-s" clay cried into George's shoulder shuddering and shaking in George's arms. "it's ok love" George said the words just slipping out of his mouth before he could hold them back.

Something about the pet name seemed to put him and ease and his sobbing became slower and quieter. George held dream until he fell asleep again before settling down himself the get to sleep


"Sometimes u meet people to just fall in love with"

-Annalexes 2023-

Word count 821 🤍

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