24 | him again

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Karl and sapnap were hanging around In there bedroom waiting for one of their best friends quackity to come over. They heard the doorbell go not that long after and sprinted to the door. "Quackity!" Karl said running into his arms "how are you Karl" quackity asked " so good" he replied smiling at him being there.

Sapnap watched and waited for his boyfriend to.lay off him so he could hug him

"How are you nick" quackity giving him a hug. "I'm doing fine thank you quacks, how are you?" he said.

"I'm so good how's recovery going" he asked, "it's going so amazing I'm improving so much physically and mentally" sapnap said. "That's so good"

------- next day (I know it's rushed)----

It was the evening and the five boys decided to go out for a drink at a bar George mostly staying quiet during this discussion not really wanting to go but didn't want to ruin the other people's fun

They drove there In dreams car and pulled up outsife of a fairly packed bar. As they were about to leave the car George asked dream if he could stay a minute "you guys go on get us a table" dream said to the others "I'm really scared" George said to him staring into his eyes "why are you scared George" dream asked "i-i just get trauma sometimes when I go to bars and this is one he used to take me to" George said "oh honey you should of said something we could go to a different one or just go home" dream asked

"no it's fine it's probably different now it was a long time ago and em there's one more thing" George said "I don't really feel like eating or drinking right now and I don't want to be pressured" George said "of course not you don't need to do anything" dream asked.

George took a breath before opening his door and the two walked inside.

It was exactly how it was before even the memory sent shivers down his spine. We sat at a table in the corner. "This place is nice" quackity said looking around. "Mhm" George mumbled slightly dream looking sadly down at him.

The place sounded the same loud music, screaming, laughing,

It smelled the same of expensive alcohol and vapes.

It felt the same not being able to breath properly because of the fumes it being so hot and stuffy.

All of it caving in on him, the first round of drinks came in karlnapity had obviously ordered something before they came in. It was all the same thing some form of alcohol in big tankers, except sapnap who wasn't allowed to drink alcohol, medically. Memories of being forced to drink stuff like this washed over him and stared at his drink in distaste. "You don't have to drink if you don't want to" dream whispered and held his hand.

There second round came in then there third

George knew what it looked like when people were starting to drink too much. And it reminded his again of his trauma he snapped and breathing started to become quicker he opened his eyes hard and stared around terrified "George you ok" Karl asked "yes just need to go to the bathroom one -"he sprinted to the bathroom.

His hands on the counter he tried to collect himself "all you have to do is ask if you can go home ok that's it just relax' he said to himself.

"Go home but you've only just arrived" he heard a familiar voice say he looked up to see the man who caused him all this pain and suffering all he thinks about keeps him awake was standing right there. He grabbed his waist the familiar cold hand digging into him. George was to shocked to move.

The man picked him up slamming him into the wall and George slid onto the counter as the man approached him pushing him into the wall George head being thrown again the mirror making it shatter the guy pressed his lips against his a familiar taste of alcohol filling his mouth. "Not as good as you were gogy" the guy slurred he hit George in the face

"I think you need a little punishment for running away from me don't you think he placed George's legs in the air and took off his pants under his skirt George knowing the punishment would be worse if he tried to squirm away, before he did the same to himself and started pounding into him over and over again slamming against the wall broken shards being stuck in his back. 'why did I wear a crop top' he thought while he screamed in pain "please stop help!" He shouted "be quiet slut" he slapped him again making him cry out in pain earning another slap to the face.

He pulled out of him "your so shit George not like you used to you dumb mother fucker" he said throwing him to the floor. George cried out of pain as he was stomped on and kicked around

The door flew open as dream sapnap Karl and quackity came in coming to check on George and hearing cries coming from the bathroom and sprinting in . Dream and quackity pushed the guy back with all their strength pinning him to the wall as sapnap and Karl went to see George on the ground.

"It's ok come here now alright it's alright" Karl said George crawling into his arms. "I'm going to fucking kill you I'll kill you" dream said pinning the man to the wall hitting him in the face. George cowered in karl's arms at the sight burying his face into his chest letting out a loud sob to which Karl just held him tighter as he watched his boyfriend fight with his ex dream definitely had the upper hand kicking him where it hurts how dare he do that to George.

Security rushed into the room and took the man away all the yelling starting to become really overwhelming aswell as all of the pain. Karl pulled George closer to his chest as he wailed into his shoulder "shshsh it's ok" Karl cooed rubbing his back.

"Georgie can you come here please" dream said as Karl handed George to him dream not thinking of anything to say just held him to his chest and slightly comforted him. After a while of crying and comforting. They all stood and walked to the car.  Sapnap said he'd drive since he was the least intoxicated not drinking and the rest of them sat in the back George laying on dreams lap his feet on Karl as Karl removed his shoes and was rubbing his feet with his fingers gently.

George sobs died down and he fell asleep being so tired but it didn't last long he soon woke up again and started crying more than before "oww ow"he said quietly in between sobs. "Are you ok georgie what hurts" dream said George tried to say but he was in to much pain "sap can you pull over please" dream asked and sapnap did so just Incase something happens "what hurts honey" dream asked. "My arm" George screamed. Dream looked at his arm it was in the wrong place and it was green and purple "oh my god sapnap can you drive to the urgent  care please (I know that's spelt wrong) "just wait a few minutes though, George baby is there anything else" dream asked making sure George wasn't to badly injured. "Emm my back really hurts" George looked at dream meaningfully "ok do you mind if we have a look" dream asked and George nodded turning around, Karl and quackity who saw it first gasped his back was covered in shards of glass with blood dripping.

George let out a cry of pain as dream saw. "Oh Georgie I'm so sorry" he said hugging him. "D-dream" George said as he cried more into dreams shoulder "sapnap can you pass me the first aid kit in the glove box please" dream asked and sapnap threw the green box to him and dream started to wipe his cuts not trusting himself to take the glass out though.

"Ok are you ready to go now" ye asked George as sapnap pulled back onto the road and the drove to the hospital.


I know it's rushed I'll go over it tomorrow ok love you

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