14- overwhelmed

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"how are you George" dream said as George stirred awake In bed beside him George just shrugged his shoulders before cuddling into dream again dream slowly sat up and brought George up with him to look at him "you feel better after last night" dream asked "yeah I guess" George yawned stretching.

Dream hugged George before getting up to George's annoyance, and changing, George blushed bright red when dream took his t-shirt off and let out a quiet squeal, which dream smirked at "you like that Georgie" and George nodded giggling and looking away embarrassed. Dream smirked at the boy before putting a different shirt on.

Dream kissed George on the head before going to make breakfast. as soon as he left George fell onto the bed "why can't I look like that" George said looking at his own bare chest in the mirror. As he looked at himself the urge to punch the mirror infront of him grew stronger and stronger. He took himself away and sat at his bed and looked down at his "fat" stomach. "Ugh I look disgusting" he said to himself.

'maybe if I emptied it, it will look better' he stood up and walked into dreams bathroom before locking the door and crouching against the edge of the toilet. Without thinking he stuck his middle and index finger down his throat making him retch.

Dream was in the kitchen making him and George breakfast before he heard a faint spluttered cough. He looked up from what he was doing confused "George?" he said before he heard it again he walked to his bathroom. He knocked on the door.

When George heard the knocking he froze in his spot. He covered his mouth trying to disguise his gags but it was no use. "Georgie are you ok in there" dream said his ear to the door "e-emm" George mumbled before gagging again "I j-just feel a bit sick" George said "aww baby can I come in please" clay said simatheticly. "no!" George shouted back "o-oh ok babe I'll wait here for you to be finished" dream said before standing against the door still a little confused why George doesn't want him I'm there with him.

George thought he wouldn't be able to do it anymore since dream was there but he finished throwing up and flushing it away before standing up and looking at himself in the mirror. He looked exhausted and hallowed like he hadn't seen the sun in weeks he felt even more disgusted by himself as he looked at his pale self his eyes were bloodshot and was not able to stand up properly because of the dizziness. He had to support himself by placing his hands on the rim on the sink willing himself not to throw up again.

He washed his hands and face before stepping out meet dream. "Oh sweetheart" dream said looking at Georges ghostly appearance and hugged him, dream still thinking that George was just sick, They walked back into their room and dream tucked George into bed and kissed him on the forehead and said he'd be back in a second. He pulled out his phone and texted Karl


Hey sorry we won't be able to come today George isn't well.

Oh shit is he ok.

I don't know he was fine earlier but then he just got worse I guess

Oh well hope he gets better I'll tell sapnap.

How is sapnap btw

Well I don't know he doesn't really have anything in him today I don't if he's coming down with something or if his depression is just getting to him again.

I'd say it's just the meds they have him on.

Yeah I guess they say he might be out soon enough tho ☺️

That's amazing Anyway I have to go now I don't want to leave George alone

Ok See you hope George feels better.

Dream shut off his phone before walking into the bathroom to clean up the remaining throw up from around the toilet and sprayed a bit of air freshener in there to numb the smell. He went back in to their bedroom and put his hand on George slowly turning him around to look at him "hey baby I'm just coming to check your temperature" dream said and opened a drawer in his bedside table "dream I'm fine" George said and dream just ignored him. dream put it on George forehead leaving it there before it beeped "you don't have a fever" dream said and George slightly smiled up at him (fake obviously)

"do you want anything" dream asked George shuck his head. "Do you want me to leave you to sleep" dream asked and George nodded again. "Alright sweetheart call me if you need me" dream said walking out the door.

Salty tears slipped down George's face and put his face in his hands "why am I like this" he cried he felt really terrible after the morning events, he hated himself he hated how he looked he hated that dream had to deal with him all the time and is now taking care of him as if he was sick when there was nothing wrong with him physically, he wanted to scream he wanted to be gone from the world and all of this because dream showed him his chest 'im so pathetic' he said

George's head felt like it was going to split in two from all the thoughts that circled in his brain overwhelmed him.

He got the dizzy feeling in his head again and his hands started to shake and he was getting hit by waves of nausea over and over again trying to tell himself to ignore it but not doing a very good job as the dizziness was way to overwhelming.

He felt like he was going to throw up again this time not because he made himself to or maybe it was he didn't know.

he ran dizzily to the bathroom not even bothering to close the door. Dream who was in the sitting room the room directly next to his bathroom heard the sounded of retching and splattering again. got up and went to see George on his knees his arms on the rim of the toilet. He crouched down next to him and rubbed his back and bringing his hair from his face.

George turned around to face dream and sat with his back to the toilet "do you feel better after" dream asked George didn't know how to respond he honestly felt worse now that he was shaking and disorientated.

"Come here" dream said and he filled a glass with water for george. george put the water in his mouth before spitting it out again. "You're not well Georgie" dream said rubbing his back and giving him a simathetic look stroking his hair with his other hand holding George upright.

George was exhausted from all his thoughts circling in his brain and he rocked forwards, dream moving away slightly Incase George got sick again. his eyes started to close and he fell asleep collapsing on top of dream who frowned at George and picked George up and walked into their bedroom and tucked George in making sure he was on his side so if he threw up he wouldn't choke. He kissed George on the head before getting in bed himself.

Dream woke up again he looked over at the clock 4:00 he got up and walked out of the room to work on something.

George awoke not long after to the temperature change after dream left he walked to dreams wardrobe and picked one of dreams biggest hoodies that he had and put it on only then did the days earlier events hit him he didn't want to be awake he didn't want to be able to think. He fell back onto his pillows and fell asleep.

This chapter was very rushed sorry but I still kinda like it- I have school in the morning pls just kill me now 😭

Just went through it editing it I think it's better now

Have a good day 💗

Words 1362

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