25 - take care of yourself

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The rest of the journey no one talked just the soft sound of sniffling came from George and the short intake of breath from another passenger.

They arrived at the urgent care and dream carried George inside. They ran to reception "please can you help him he was assaulted and he says his arm and back really hurt" dream says "oh ok please take a seat over there a doctor will be here soon". The lady said and dream took George to a seat sitting down into and he placed George next to him still gripping his hand.

"Are you ok do you want water" dream asked "no I'm ok, just, oww" George said starting to cry again as he moved his arm. "Sh sh sh sh it's ok it's all ok" dream said.

It was late so there wasn't many people in the waiting room just two people that looked to drunk to remember or take in anything.

"George Davidson the doctor will see you now" a nurse came and the five men stood and walked in George being supported by quackity and Karl.

"Alright so what is the problem" the doctor asked "emm I was attacked a-and-" George said the memory of the evening coming back twice as strong as tears then exploded in his eyes. "my arm and back really hurts" he said wiping his eyes with his good arm.

"Ok I'm so sorry to hear that George is it ok if I look at your back" he said. "Emm can you guys please leave for a second" George asked the three men and they all left.

"Alright if it's ok can you please remove your shirt and lay down here please" he said and George did so dream holding his hand. "Alright so it probably best that I just remove the glass and wrap it up now just to reduce infection but this will hurt" the doctor said "o-oh em ok" George said "grip my hand when it hurts alright" dream said as the doctor started removing the glass from his back. "Ow" George yelped and squeezed dreams hands "it's alright puppy hold on just a few more" dream said. The doctor smiled at him before going back to working after all were removed George slowly sat back up.

"Ok now was it your arm that was sore correct" he said and George nodded. Can you hold both arms out he said as George did so. The doctor made George do different signs and turn his arm in different ways which most he couldn't do "Id say possibly a fracture so if you just follow me and we'll get an x-ray but can tell me what happened to your arm" the doctor asked "when he pushed me off the counter I fell on it" George said looking down. "Ok was there pain instantly" the doctor asked "I didn't notice" George said looking away. The doctor put his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him nicely George didn't even try smile back.

"Alright they should be ready for you in the x-ray room if you want to go down now.


Time skip---

"Yes that's definitely a fracture I'm going to have to put you in a sling ok but I don't think you need to come back in". The doctor smiled "ok" George said as the doctor put the sling on him

As they were leaving the doctor called "a-and- George take care of yourself please there's lots of people you can talk to ok" He said they nodded as they left.

They met with the others and walked down to there car and sat in the same place as last time.

George looked down at his hands the entire time silent tears still dripping.

---------------time skip---

"Georgie you go to our room and I'll meat you in there" dream asked and George shuffled off inside.

Dream got a cup of water and some pain relief and sleep tablets for George.

He didn't see George immediately but soon heard sobs coming from his bathroom and ran into it he saw George sobbing his little heart out sitting against the wall his knees to his chest. He looked gone like all of the happiness and everything that was good inside him was sucked out leaving a shell of misury and sadness, he slowly approached the boy as he feels his own eyes flare up with tears seeing his boyfriend in so much pain. Dream looked into his face seeing his skin that was tinted white grey and green, his eyes that were once full of happiness and joy turned sad and scared, his lips cracked and broken that were slightly bleeding once being soft and full. Dream felt himself becoming angry at the man the man who caused his beloved all this worry the man who took all of the boys soul the one who ruined their lives.

"Please help me" is all George could say through his cries dream just held onto him as he cried and screamed. "Dream! I can't it's too m-much"

"I know I know it's alright now you're safe" dream said as George broke away from him George covered his mouth and retched forward his mind spinning making him feel dizzy dream taking the hint and opening the toilet lid for him, George's body already being so week from bulimia that he struggled to keep much down.

Poor boy he was so upset and scared that he made himself throw up.

Still sobbing George held on for dear life vomiting violently into the toilet sobbing in between he looked up and dream and fell back into his arms still sobbing.

"Dream I can't breathe" George cried holding his collar worried he'd disappear and be replaced with his ex. "I know just copy me ready in one two three four out one two three four that's it and again..."

George tried to take breaths but couldn't it was too uneven. "Just relax hun ok or atleast try to babe ok.

"Do you want to shower or do you want to have a bath" dream asked gently "a-a b-bath p-please" he replied dream picked George up trying to place George on the counter like he always did "no-no! please not a counter" George said tear swelling in his eyes again dream picked George up off of it and just held him like that until the bath was ready.

Dream took off George's clothes slowly making sure George was completely ok and when he got to his underwear dream looked up at him to ask "is it ok if I keep them on please" he said his voice still cracking but sound allot more relaxed then earlier. "That's ok will I keep mine on aswell then" dream asked "please" George replied and. George lay his head back on dream chest dream washing George's hair and massaging his head

---_---__time skipp __---_---

George had fallen asleep on dream chest dream slowly slipped out taking George with him going into his room he lay George on the bed putting one of his hoodies on him and placed a towel over George waist when he changed his underwear and put shorts on him wanting to respect his boundaries even when he was asleep. He quickly changed himself and picked George up knowing he would probably panic if he wasn't there when he woke up.

There was a knock on the door and there stood the other three men looking worried Karl who was in the middle held a box in his hands "it's just stuff that might help the mental recovery" Karl said looking slightly frightened, dreams heart slightly melted at the three boys kindness and thanked them quietly before walking away. Only then did it set in that it was going to be a long recovery process that he needs to there for George all the time and he silently committed to the challenge.

He placed George sitting forward on his lap as he slept and looked in the package they gave him.

It consisted of

Pain tablets
Heat packs/hot water bottles
Sleep tablets
Face moisturizers that dream could do for him
Stuffed animals (dream smiled when seeing it)
Acupressure ring
Weighted blanket
Bottled water.

Dream set the box to the side and laid down with his boyfriend in his arms being exhausted from the day he fell asleep.

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