New Ball Game

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So since these niggas want to act the Fuck out i can too. I got up took a shower of course and did my hygiene thing and then once i was done put on some jean shorts a white button up polo and i tied a red plad shirt around my waist. I parted my long thick hair and tied a small ponytail into the top. Then i sprayed myself with my warm sugar perfume and was on my way out. I heard my name being called but i just kept walking. First step. Car dealership...My ass do not walk.

I made my way to✴ Fly Wheelz ✴ to check out a few cars. When i went in there was this fine ass boy in a tux standing there greeting the customers. He was a bit dressed to be a car salesman i might say. But whatever fuck it. After getting my eye off him the first car i spotted was this gold plated ferrari. BIIITTTTCCHHHH YOU KNOW IM FINNA TURN MY BANK ACCOUNT ALL THE WAY TF UP . "Do you like this one beautiful? " "ummm...yeah how much is it" "okay straight to the point kind of girl i see... you dont want a run down of the car?" I squinted and studied him for a second of course i do but whats a run down if the price is too much? Who the fuck am i kidding im buying this car regardless. "Of course i do i just want to know the price" i crossed my arms "ohhh okay...i sense a bit of hostility ma didnt mean to offend you but the car is 1.3 million....." "Damn" i mumbled under my breathe thats a lot for a car "but for a pretty lady like you ill let it got for 350k" he flashed me this priceless smile like omfg but he took the price down more than 50% uhh uhh im not stupid "oh yeah snd whats the catch?" "There is none....unless you dont mind giving me your number if not the price still stands at 350k" i just smiled "give me a run down of the car please Mr....." "Please ma call me Rich"...... Rich huh? I bet



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