Day with killer

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Classic pov: I woke up on horrors bed an I realized that today was the day I tried to get up but I heard a tired voice saying "Don't go..." "Horror I'm sorry but you know the deal we all made today is the day I go with killer "Mmm nooooooo" *laughing* Horror you may look scary but you are the cutest little thing when your half awake "Can you stay pweaseeeee" "I'll tell ya what after this week is over we can cuddle alright?" "Yay..." He let me go and I gave him a quick kiss before heading of to killers room he's taking me to a so called *special place* he claims that he made it so I'm curious on what he did to make this day just as special as the others. "Oh hey classic are you ready to come to the special place?" "Yes!" "Alright ERROR OPEN UP A PORTAL TO YOU KNOW WHERE" Oh he's taking me to another au I suppose? Error opened up a portal and killer was...closing my eyes? What could be so special about this au that he has to cover my eyes? "Alright are you ready?" "Yes now remove your hands" He removed them and I gasped at where we were standing it was the entrance of our high school "I remember the day like it was just yesterday a little skeleton named classic bumped into the prince of negativity and was terrified of him that day but now this little skeleton belongs to us." "Heh....thank you killer for bringing me here this place brings back so many memories" "I'm glad how about we sit on a nearby beach and talk?" "I would love that killer." (And so they talked the whole day until error came out of a portal and said it was time to go to bed or nightmare would be angry) "Come on classic and killer time to go" "Alright! Just give me a second" "I took one last look of the high school and went thru the portal onto my bed waiting for the next day.

Word count:355

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