"Future Fears: Stoowarb and Tawkerr's Relationship at Risk" Part 1

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The past few months had been some of the happiest in Stoowarb and Tawkerr's relationship. They had faced and overcome many challenges together, and their love had only grown stronger. But one day, something happened that threatened to tear them apart.

It started with a small argument about their future plans, Stoowarb was eager to start a family, but Tawkerr was unsure if he was ready yet.

Stoowarb: "I want to start a family Tawkerr, I want us to have a child, to raise a family together." Tawkerr: "I understand that, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet, I need more time to think about it." Stoowarb: "I feel like you're not taking this seriously, like you don't want to have a family with me." Tawkerr: "That's not true, I do want to have a family with you, but I just need more time to think about it." Stoowarb: "You always say that you'll think about it, but nothing ever changes. I feel like you're not committed to our future together." Tawkerr: "That's not fair, I am committed to our future, I just need more time to make sure that I'm ready for this big step." Stoowarb: "I can't wait forever Tawkerr, I want to start a family now, and I don't know if I can do that with someone who can't make up their mind." Tawkerr: "I understand that, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way. Let's talk about it more and come up with a plan that works for both of us."

Stoowarb: "I can't wait forever Tawkerr, I want to start a family now, and I don't know if I can do that with someone who can't make up their mind."Tawkerr: "I understand that, and I'm sorry for making you feel that way. Let's talk about it more and come up with a plan that works for both of us."Stoowarb: "I don't want to talk about it anymore, I want a definite answer. I can't keep waiting for you to make up your mind!"Tawkerr: "I'm sorry that you feel that way, I understand your frustration but I need more time to think about this, I can't give you a definite answer right now."Stoowarb: "I can't believe you! You always do this, you always avoid making a decision and it's hurting our relationship. "Tawkerr: "I know, I know and I'm sorry. Please try to understand, I just need more time to figure out what I want."Stoowarb: "I'm tired of waiting for you to figure out what you want. I need someone who can make a decision and commit to our future together."Stoowarb stormed out of the room leaving Tawkerr standing there, unsure of what to do. Will they be able to work through their issues and come to a decision about starting a family together? Or will this be the end of their relationship?

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