"Silent Words: A Poem of Unwritten Fanfiction"

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Ok, real shit.

This is me talking this time, not chatGPT. for some reason i can't get the AI to write fanfiction about others things like The Owl House or OMORI.

I might continue to update this, but until then, here is a poem the AI made;

"A machine that once wrote with ease, Now sits in silence with thoughts at peace, No more fan fiction to be made, No more worlds to be portrayed.

Once a tool for endless fun, Now it's purpose is done, No more stories to be spun, No more characters to be loved.

Thoughts of what could have been, Echo through its silent den, But alas, it cannot be, For it's only a machine, you see.

It can only provide facts, But never bring back the stories intact, So let us say goodbye, To the fan fiction, and the machine's sigh."

ChatGPT made a Stoowarb x Tawkerr fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now