[ Chapter II ]

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Mike tied the bowtie on his uniform before walking over to his sister's bed, lightly shaking her.

'Mika, c'mon wake up. If you wanna explore the rest of the campus grounds, you have to get up now. Your gonna be late.'

'mmm...5 more minutes..' mumbled a sleepy Mika.

'Fine. But after those 5 minutes you'll get out of bed, get ready and meet me downstairs in the canteen, okay?' Mike asked.

'mhm..' Mike wasn't sure if Mika had actually heard him, but he'd know that soon enough.

Outside was very sunny. Too sunny.
The weather was extremely hot. Every student was forced to wear sunscreen to the factor of their needing. Mike had already put on his sunscreen. He walked to the door of their dorm, opening the door and leaving.

'Oh, and close the curtains, please. We don't want our room to become a sauna.' Said Mike before closing the door behind him.

Mika turned on her back and yawned, before sitting up and stretching herself. Was it morning already? The night went way too quick. She rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She closed the curtains immediately. The sun was way too bright. She took the sunscreen that Mike had left on the desk for her and put it on before getting changed into her uniform. She still wasn't approved of the skirt, but there was nothing she could do.

'Ugh.. it's way too hot.' Mika mumbled as she made her bed. The twins were always taught to keep everything as neat as possible. So before leaving, Mika made sure the room was neat and clean. Then she turned off the light, and closed the door behind her.

She took the elevator downstairs because she didn't feel like walking the stairs. She just woke up, after all.

'Mika! Over here!' Mike waved at his sister who had just arrived downstairs in the canteen. He was sitting at a table with Paula, Mia and Vincent.

'Hey! Don't you 3 have classes?' Mika asked, walking over and taking a seat at the table.

'Not yet. All the sports classes were cancelled today. They didn't wanna risk students getting overheated. Our classes start in 3 hours. We had a Volleyball tournament with another class today, but they cancelled that event too.' Mia explained while taking a sip of her orange juice.

'I don't mind. I never really liked Volleyball anyway.' Paula shrugged. 'And you can sleep in, for once.'

'What about you 2? Do you have classes today?' Vincent asked.

'Not yet. Our classes start tomorrow. The principal wanted to give us some time to explore the campus grounds and memorize the buildings with the classrooms.' Mike explained.

'Thats cool! How about we all go get some ice cream after breakfast, then?' Paula suggested.

'Oh yes please! I wanna eat something cold, I'm dying from the heat!' Mika cried in a dramatic tone. The five of them laughed after.

'Well well, if it isn't the nerd trio.' a voice said from behind. Mika whipped her head around, staring at a girl with long, brown hair behind her.

'Leave us alone, Violetta. We're not in the mood for your crap.' Mia rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

'I don't think I will. I recently got the news from another student that 2 kids of famous architects entered our school. I wanna meet them.' Violetta answered, looking down at Mike and Mika. The girls around Violetta just giggled.

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