[ Chapter IV ]

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                  'Everyone can use
                    a laugh now and

By the time the twins had woken up, Mo was done with his king lessons from King Reynor.

'C'mon Mo! They must be confused! We gotta explain it to them.' Yuko excitedly said as she flew over, Mo and Mia not far behind.

'Yes yes I know.' Mo rolled his eyes and landed beside Yuko.

The twins were awake already, and Mike was trying to see if he could fix his sister's sprained wing.

'Ow! Be careful, Mike!' Mika complained.

'Sorry! I've never fixed a wing before! Let alone an elf wing!'

'Hey, maybe I can help.' Yuko said, stepping forward as she took off her necklace with unicorn tears.

'What are those?'Mike asked, confused on how tears we're gonna fix his sister's wing.

'Unicorn tears. The most powerful healing stuff in whole of Centopia.' Mo explained.

'Oh, thanks.' Mike thanked her. He took his hands off Mika's wing, and he had small cuts on his hands.

'Your also hurt.' Mo stated, pointing at Mike's hands.

'Oh, this? It's nothing, these cuts were made when we were walking through the forest. They'll heal eventually.' Mike said, brushing it off.

'I can see that your hurting. So stop acting brave for a moment and let me help you. ' Mo stepped forward, took his unicorn tear and kneeled down. 'Give me your hands.'

With a pout, Mike put his hands forward. Mo used 2 of his unicorn tears to heal each of Mike's hands. To Mike's surprise, it didn't sting. And the scars disappeared immediately.

'Wow.. thanks.' Mike looked at his hands with disbelief.

'Your welcome.' Mo smiled.

Mia and Yuko giggled at the sight of the two boys together.

'What's so funny?' Mo asked, turning his head around to look at the two giggling girls.

'Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it.' Mia giggled.

Yuko stepped forward to Mika and used her unicorn tear to heal her wing. Mika fluttered with her wings a few times as a test. They were as good as new.

'Thank you!' Mika smiled.

Mike, on the other hand, looked rather serious.

'Hey, what's with the serious look?' Mo asked.

'Oh, I don't really smile much.' Mike mumbled.

'Yeah, he thinks it's "useless" to smile or laugh.' Mika rolled her eyes.

'That's not true! Everyone can use a laugh now and then.' Mo said.

'Well I can't use it.' Mike said in protest.

'I think you can. And I'll find a way to make you smile. Just you wait.' Mo proudly grinned.

'Good luck.' Mike rolled his eyes.

'Hey, how about we go explore? We can also teach them how to fly!' Mia suggested.

'Sure! I wanna get away from here as fast as possible before my dad calls me for more "king lessons"' Mo joked. Everyone laughed, expect Mike. Now Mo was really determined to get a laugh out of him, and he was gonna achieve it one way or another.

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