[ Chapter III ]

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                      'Another world'

'Ugh, what happened...' Mike mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his head. The last thing he remembered was getting pulled by his sister and seeing Mia fade into thin air. He opened his eyes to something phenomenal.

Another world. The trees were unnatural colors, the grass and landscapes were going as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful. He looked at his sister, and almost screamed in shock when he didn't see his sister, but someone else.

'Who are you?!' He asked, jumping up.

'No, who are you?!' Apparently the female was already awake. She did sound like his sister, though... But she wasn't human. She couldn't possibly be his sister, right?

'I'm Micheal Scott. And your not human, that's for sure.'

'You can't be my brother. Your not human either!' the female answered, pointing at something behind him

Mike turned around. There was nothing there. But when he looked down, he almost jumped and screamed again. He had wings! Real wings!

'But if I'm not human.. and your not human... Then that means this isn't our world!' Mike yelled.

'What do you mean I'm not human?' the female asked, before looking at her own wings and having the same reaction Mike did a few seconds ago.

'But then that also means you ARE my sister!' Mike said.

'Of course I am, silly! Mikaela Scott, the one and only.' Mika said.

The twins looked around at their location. They were both amazed. But they had to figure out how to get back.

Meanwhile, with Mia, she landed softly on the ground of the elves' crater and started panicking.

'Oh no oh no oh no oh no! They could be anywhere now!' Mia talked to herself.

'Hey Mia! What's up?' Yuko said, coming down from the air.

'Okay, so I might have accidentally taken 2 people from my world here into the world of Centopia. I swear it happened accidentally! And the thing is, my bracelet could have teleported them anywhere.'

'WHAT?! Okay, uh, do they know about Centopia? Have you told them?' Yuko tried to stay calm but it was clear she was panicking as much as Mia was, maybe even more.

'That's the thing. They just arrived new at my school yesterday. They're really kind, but they don't know anything about Centopia, or you, or the unicorns. Or the dangers that happen around here.' Mia explained.

'This is bad. This is really bad.' Yuko mumbled. 'We should tell Mo, then go search for them.'

'But they could be anywhere in Centopia!' Mia reminded Yuko.

'I know, but Mo has the rights to know. And it's our top priority that we find them, before they get themselves in danger.' Yuko said, and feeling defeated, Mia agreed. Yuko was right. Mo had the right to know there were 2 new elves in Centopia. After all, he was the soon-to-be king of Centopia.

So Mia and Yuko started flying to the castle.

'Mo! We need to tell you something important!' Mia said as they came into the throne room.

'Please not now, girls. We are preparing Mo on being a good king for the elves.' King Reynor said.

'But it's very important! Please, King Reynor!' Yuko pleaded.

'Oh Rey, let the girls speak.' Queen Mayla said, putting a hand on her husband's shoulder.

'Fine. But please make it quick, girls.' King Reynor agreed, knowing that going against his wife will only bring more of a discussion.

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