Chapter 6 - Attack

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I woke up today feeling today is going to be very bad and the last time I felt that things changed and not for the good

I was now in school thinking what the problem could be, just then a pat on the shoulder brought me back to reality

"Hello!!Earth to Lexi, Are ok?"Hazel asked

"Sorry, I was just thinking "I said

"We can see that"Alicia said with folded arms

"Are you guys hiding anything from me?" I asked

"No,why are you asking?" Alicia asked

"I'm just getting this feeling someone is hiding something from me and something bad is about to happen today and I'm so nervous"I said

"And who do you think is it" Hazel asked

"I have no idea, but I do know one thing, things are going to take a huge turn"I said

"That doesn't sound good"Alicia said

"I may be wrong, let's not talk and think about it"I said "Now tell me, how are things going?" I asked

"I broke up with Kyle" Hazel said

"You did what?"Alicia asked

"Why would you do that? we liked Kyle"

"He was too of an idiot,so I dumped him" Hazel said as if it was nothing

"Listen Girl,you can't go round breaking boys heart like that, is not nice"I said trying to talk some sense into her

"Yh,I agree with Lexi, try to be nice ok?"

"Fine if you so , I'll try"Hazel said

"Don't try,do it"

"Ok"she said

"Good now let's go to class" I said


This is bad, very bad. Today was going good pack members were happy, school was great cuz I found a way to win Hazel and Alicia over and the thing worst happen

Alex came running to me saying the rouges of both sides are coming  to the school and the only people that came to my mind was... the girls

I'm currently running through the hallway looking for them, after running for a while I saw talking near their lockers

"You girls have to leave school now!"I said when I was neared them

"Why?" Lexi said

"Is not safe here"I said

"We don't believe you and we're are not going anywhere "Alicia said

"Please you have to believe me"I said just then we heard the principal's voice in the speakers

"I would like everybody to take every important thing they have and move to the emergency exit, teachers will be at the exit taking attendance everything will be explained later.Thank you."

"See, now take everything important and leave" I said

"Ok, how did you know?" Alicia asked

"I'm cool with the principal?"I lied but by their faces I could tell they didn't believe me. Just then Alex came

"What are they still doing here Liam"Alex asked

"I'm trying but they don't believe even after what the principal said"I said

"You guys should leave, take your phones and bags and move to the exit "Alex said

"You two are acting weird" Hazel said

"WE ARE NOT ACTING WEIRD, NOW LEAVE!!!"I yelled at them using my alpha voice and it scared the three of them, the alpha voice is very powerful to werewolves and to humans is too much powerful and scary

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave we'll explain everything later"I apologize to them

"You better "Hazel said and they started leaving but then we heard a growl we turn and saw a brown wolf and a vampire standing a few feet away for us

"Run!"I said

"What about you guys?"Lexi asked

"We'll be fine, just go"Alex said

"Ok, take care"Lexi said

I turned into my wolf form just then I heard a loud scream from behind me, I turned and saw that the girls haven't left yet just great!

"Go we'll explain later"Alex said

"Alex, your eyes are red and you have fangs"Alicia said

"Just go..." And before Alex could finish his sentence the vampire rouge attacked him

"Go and tell Mavis we need backup"I said cuz I could smell other rouges coming.

"Ok, guys let's go"Lexi said as she pulled the girls away

"You guys better don't die cuz you have lot of explaining to do"Hazel said,I nodded and the girls left

I like saying  that“the girls”

"We have rouges to fight and you are thinking about that?"my wolf said

"What? Can't I have a little fun"I said

"You're really stupid,you know that?"

"And I wonder where I got it from?"


"Nothing"I said rolling my eyes

After a while...

We fought all the rouges but some managed to get away. Now, it's time for the scary part... Telling Lexi about the truth

Attraction or Love- (Unedited)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum