Chapter 9-Dates pt 2

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I was still talking to the girls when Angela came

"Hey, Lexi"Angela said

"Sup girl"I asked

"I'm cool,uhm...I wanted to ask if you could come to my party this weekend"she said sounding nervous

"Yh,I would love to, which time?"

"Around 8:00pm"

"Great, we'll be there"

"Ohk, can you invite Alex and Liam to the party?"she asked

"Why don't you ask them personally?"Alicia asked

"Their cold aura is powerful if you're not close to them like you guys"she said shyly

"Awww,ok I'll tell them"I said

"Thanks Lexi, see you in class?"

"You're welcome,yh see you"I said

"Bye!"she said

"Bye!!"the girls said

"Ali,why was I jealous when she talked about the guys shyly?"I asked when Angela left

"Cuz,you're there mate is normal to jealous"she replied

"Ok, thanks"I said


During lunch....

"Hi ladies"Liam said when he and Alex joined our table

"Sup?"Alex asked

"We're cool,you?"Hazel said

"As long as you guys are alive, we're good"Alex said

"Well that was cheesy" I muttered

"I heard that!!"Alex said

"Whatever, Oh,Angela asked if you guys wanted to attend her party this weekend,you coming?"I asked

"Why didn't she ask us in person?"Alex asked

"She said your cold aura scares her "Alicia said

"Wait! Who's Angela? And which one are you talking about?"Liam asked

"The one from our english class "Alicia said

"Sissy,we have three Angle's in this school who attend english class"Liam said

"The one from the TikTok squad you idiot"Alex said slapping the back of Liam head

"Owww, how was I suppose to know and take it easy on the head will you"Liam whined

"Stop whining,you grow ass man"Alex said

"I'm not whining, you ugly vampire"Liam said with pouted lips

"Can you two stop whatever you're doing it's giving me a headache"I said rubbing my forehead

"He started it"both boys said pointing at the other

"Just stop both of YOU!!"I said yelling making lots of heads turning to our table

"Sorry,it won't happen again"they both said

"Thank you"I said

That weekend...

Angela's party was amazing and I enjoyed every part of it
I was now waiting for Alex to pick me up for our date, just then I heard the door bell rang

"Coming!!!"I shouted picking the things I needed and leaving my room, going downstairs to open the door, my mom left for a business trip and will be coming home after two days so I was Home alone

"Hey Lexi,you look beautiful"Alex said

"Thanks, I won't say anything to build up your ego"I said

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"Let's go?"

"Yh, after you.."

We decided to go to Disney Land and we had lots of fun,we went on every single ride after we went Target to get Starbucks but we ended up shopping

After the date Alex brought me back home,we said our goodbyes, I went inside, took a shower, put some pj's on, made some popcorn and decided to watch some Netflix before going to bed which ended with the TV watching me instead of the other way round

At school.....

"It's been soo long since we had a sleepover"Hazel said which was soo true

"We had one like two month ago?"Alicia asked

"Yh, that's long"I said

Me and the girls do a sleepover once every month and twice in the moth of our birthdays which turn into a tradition, but we haven't had one since things changed

"I hosted it last time so is Lexi's turn to host this one"Alicia said

"Ok, how about we go shopping this Friday,we can buy snacks, brinks and other stuff we need and also I can use that time to finally shop for the things mom asked me to buy"I said

"Yh, my mom also asked me to buy stuff for her too"Alicia said

"Then that's it, shopping this Friday for the sleepover and that's it"Hazel said with a firm voice

"Yes ma'am"Alicia and I said at the same time

"Did I hear a sleepover?I'm I invited?"Liam asked

"How did you know?And no you're not invited to the sleepover"I said firm voice

"I agree"Alicia said

"Me too"Hazel said

"C'mon girls is going to be fun!I won't cause trouble, please let me come to sleepover"Liam asked

"What sleepover?"I turned and saw Alex standing behind me just great!!

"A girls sleepover and both of you are not invited"Hazel said

"C'mon,is going to be fun"Alex said

"That's what I've being saying,I can invite Charles my beta to come.."Liam said

"I would have invited Moglich but he went on a vacation"Alex said

"Wait, we haven't even accepted your self-invite and you're planning on inviting other people and why would Moglich go on vacation with the exams coming up?" Alicia asked

"He doesn't care about school and so do most supernatural begins, they go to school get to know more about humans and since they have lots of connections they can get a job whenever they want"Alex said

"That makes sense" Hazel said

"So, that's that mean we're invited"Liam asked

"No"Alicia said

"Pwese!!!"Liam and Alex said with there cute baby eyes and pouted lips and we just gave in

"Fine, you win"I said

"Yes"they said sounding so excited

"But if any of you cuz trouble is bye-bye you got it"I told them

"Yes ma'am"they said

"Good, we'll going shopping this Friday and you're coming"I said

"Ok, just text us the time and we'll be there"Liam said

"If you would excuse, I have to meet Mavis before I run late and she kills me"and with the Alex left

"I have to tell Charles about the sleepover,see you girls around"and he too left

"This going to be one long weekend"Alicia said with a sigh

"You got that right"I replied

And that got me thinking just how many pian killers me and the girls will need for this sleepover


1053 words, hope you like it.pls, vote, comment and share

PS: the story is about to end soon and that's the reason for the time skip. Much love 🥰💜

-Princess 💜😻

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