Chapter Eleven.

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, "Don't touch anything." Billie mumbled, her eyes on the road.

Diana was seated on the passenger seat next to her. Which confused her, because Billie insisted that she sit up front and Zoe back. It did make sense seeing as Zoe would get dropped off, but it was a shocker Billie even wanted Diana next to her.

"I wasn't. I was just...looking." she placed her hand once again, on the dream catcher hanging on Billie's rare view mirror, after having been told not to touch anything.

This time, Billie took Diana's hand before it could caress the pink feathers of the dream catcher, throwing the hand on Diana's lap.

"If you don't focus on the road, you're going to get us both killed." Diana mumbles, turning away to look out the window.

"I'd be more focused if you weren't sitting right next to me."

"You insisted-"

"I'm not complaining, Diana." Billie states, giving her a seconds glance before facing the road again. "I like you here."

"Oh? Yet it was such a tragedy to have to be in a car alone with me."

"Is it so bad to want to be treated like an adult." Billie half groans.

"It is if you're not one."

Billie chuckles, glancing at Diana for the second time. Careful not to look for too long.

"Didn't think you were funny, Diana Ross."

"Is that a compliment I hear, Billie O'Connell?" she asks, eyebrows raised.

"Why? Flattered?"

Diana smiles, shaking her head in amusement. Billie never failed to amuse her. The little words they'd shared proved that much. Billie was just a misunderstood young lady. Finneas had said she needed time to adjust to people. Maybe she'd adjusted.

"Your brother was right about you." she says after a moment of silence.

Confused, Billie asks. "And what does that mean?"


Billie drops it, losing interest in the subject immediately. She didn't care what Finneas said about her to Diana. He knew very little. She loved her brother, but he had the tendency of thinking Billie was still that 12 year old who'd constantly beg for her brother. Technically, she still did, but she wasn't as innocent anymore.

He knows that. She knows he does. But somehow, for some reason, he buries it deep into his skull, and rather looks at what he chooses to see.

Billie and Diana pulled into the pizza place, Billie was pleased to see they'd installed a drive through before even completing the sit in area.

Now that's convenience at its finest.

Except for the fact that there was a long line of cars waiting to order pizza's.

Billie groaned. She was far from patient. She wasn't hungry before, but now that she can't get food soon enough, she is.

She sighs. "Guess that means more time for us to bond" she smiles at Diana.

"Goodie." Diana mumbled, looking out the window.

She could feel Billie's eyes on her. She tried to ignore them, leaning her head against the window. When the eyes didn't seem to move from the side of her face, she looked up to meet them.

"May I help you?"

Diana feared the look in Billie's eyes. They were quite similar to the look Finneas would have often. But that was fine seeing as it was her boyfriend. This...this was different. The look was coming from Billie. The same Billie who happened to be related to Finneas, by blood.

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