102. Adam

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Adora and Catra's spaceship cruised through the endless expanse of space, their eyes fixed on the stars above. Adora had been navigating for hours, her mind lost in thought as she scanned the galaxy for any signs of trouble. Meanwhile, Catra was lounging in her seat, one leg hanging over the armrest as she idly flicked through a holo-magazine.

Suddenly, Adora's attention was drawn to a faint glimmer of light in the distance. "Catra, look," she said, pointing out the window. "What's that?"

Catra sat up and peered out, her eyes narrowing as she tried to make out the object. "I don't know," she said after a moment. "Maybe it's a planet?"

Adora's heart quickened as she considered the possibility. "Let's go check it out," she said decisively, steering the ship towards the shimmering orb. As they drew closer, they could see that it was indeed a planet, one they had never seen before.

Adora landed the ship on a grassy plain, the two of them emerging to take in their surroundings. The air was crisp and clear, and the landscape was dotted with towering trees and rolling hills. As they walked, Adora's senses were flooded with memories she didn't know she had.

"This place feels familiar," she murmured to Catra, who was scanning the area with a cautious eye.

"I don't like it," Catra said flatly, her tail twitching. "Something doesn't feel right."

Adora shrugged off her unease, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Let's keep exploring," she suggested, taking Catra's hand and leading her towards a distant mountain range.

As they journeyed further into the planet, Adora's memories grew stronger and more vivid. She saw flashes of her childhood, playing in the fields with her mother and father. But as they neared the mountains, a dark feeling settled over her, a sense of foreboding that she couldn't shake.

Finally, they came to the foot of a massive cliff, where a narrow path led upwards. Adora hesitated for a moment before starting up the rocky slope, Catra following closely behind.

At the top of the cliff, they found a cave, its entrance blocked by a boulder. Adora's heart raced as she realized she recognized this place, and with a deep breath, she pushed the boulder aside.

Inside, the cave was dark and musty, but Adora's eyes adjusted quickly. As she looked around, she saw that the walls were covered in ancient carvings and symbols, a language she couldn't read.

But then, she saw one symbol that made her blood run cold - a jagged lightning bolt, the symbol of the Horde.

"What is this place?" Catra asked, her voice low and wary.

Adora didn't answer, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. She felt a sense of unease, a nagging feeling that this was a place of great significance, a place that she wasn't supposed to forget.

As they left the cave and returned to their ship, Adora knew that they would have to come back to this planet. She had a feeling that there were answers here, answers to questions she didn't even know she had.

Suddenly, they hear a voice calling out to them.

"Hello" A man says. "Is anyone there?"

Turning around, they were surprised to see a man who looked exactly like Adora. He had the same blonde hair, the same piercing blue eyes, and even wore an almost similar outfit.

"What's your name?" The man said.


Adam looks at her skeptically.

"Adira, huh? And what are you doing here?"

"We were just exploring the planet. We didn't mean to intrude."

Adam nods, but his gaze remains fixed on Adora. Suddenly, he gasps and takes a step back.

"You...you look just like her."

Adora's heart races as she realizes what he means. She braces herself for what comes next.

"My twin sister. She was taken by a witch named Calida when we were babies. We thought she was gone forever."

Adora doesn't know what to say. Her mind races with questions and doubts. Could she really be a princess, separated from her brother at birth? And if so, what does that mean for her now?

Catra, sensing Adora's unease, steps forward.

"Look, we didn't come here to cause any trouble. We'll just leave you be." Catra says.

Adam nods, still looking at Adora with a mix of disbelief and wonder.

"I understand. But please, come with me to the castle. Maybe my mother can shed some light on this."

Adam: Adira? That's a beautiful name. I've never heard it before.

"Thank you. It's, um, a family name."

"Well, Adira, I have to say, you remind me so much of my twin sister. She was taken by a witch when we were babies. I've always wondered what happened to her."

Adora pauses, unsure of what to say "That's terrible. I'm sorry for your loss."

Adora was scared, but thought it was the truth and said, "Adam, I think... I think I might be your sister.

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