103: Welcome to Eternia

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Adam led the way as he brought Adora and Catra to the heart of Eternia, the capital city. As they approached the city gates, Adam turned to face the two of them.

"Welcome to Eternia," he said with a smile. "This is the capital city, where most of our government and commerce takes place. And speaking of government, I have some news to share with everyone."

He raised his voice, addressing the crowds that had gathered around them.

"Friends, I have some wonderful news. Adora, the lost princess of Eternia, has returned to us!"

The crowds erupted in cheers and applause, with many people hugging and congratulating Adora. Adam smiled at the sight, feeling relieved that his sister had finally come home.

"And not only that," he continued. "She brings with her a new ally, Catra, who's help us defeat the forces of Horde Prime and save Eternia from certain doom."

The cheers grew even louder, and Adam felt a sense of pride in his heart. He had always believed in Adora, and now the whole kingdom could see just how powerful and capable she truly was.

"Together, we can rebuild and make Eternia stronger than ever before," Adam declared, as the crowds continued to cheer. "Thank you all for your support, and let's make a bright future for ourselves and our children."

But from the smile, to the random outburst on the way, there was two sides of Adam. One, a kind and noble prince who wants to help his kingdom, and the other had a secret that he wished he could forget. A secret that threatened to destroy everything he held dear.

He tried his best to push those thoughts away, to focus on the good in his life. He smiled and laughed with his friends, attended banquets and meetings with his council, and took long walks through the gardens to clear his mind. But no matter what he did, the secret was always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to be revealed.

Adam knew that if anyone found out the truth, it would be disastrous. It would mean the end of his reign, the end of his family's legacy, and the end of everything he had worked so hard for. He couldn't let that happen. He had to keep the secret hidden at all costs, even if it meant betraying those closest to him.

So, Adam put on a brave face and continued to rule his kingdom with kindness and compassion. But inside, he was struggling. He didn't know how much longer he could keep up the act.

Adam stands before a crowd of Eternian's, his eyes filled with sadness as he begins to speak. "For too long, our kingdom has been built on secrets and lies. It's time to bring the truth to light," he says, taking a deep breath. "Years ago, a baby girl was stolen from her home on Eternia and brought to Etheria. She was raised as a daughter of the royal family, never knowing the truth about her past or where she truly belonged."

Gasps and murmurs fill the crowd as they listen to Adam's words. He continues, his voice growing stronger. "That girl was Adora. And she was taken by members of the Horde, the very ones who have been terrorizing our kingdom for years."

The crowd grows restless, angry at the revelation. Adam raises his hands to quiet them. "But Adora is not our enemy. She is one of us, and we must do everything in our power to protect her.

As Adam finishes his speech, he looks out over the crowd with a newfound sense of hope. "Adora is back with us now, and we will do everything in our power to keep her safe. We will fight together to protect our kingdom and to build a better future for all of us."

Adora steps forward and takes the microphone. "Thank you, Adam, for your kind words," she begins. "I want to say that I'm honored to be here and to finally see Eternia for myself. I was raised in Etheria, under the rule of the Horde. But since coming to know the truth about their motives, I've realized that the world is much bigger than I ever thought. I want to know this place, learn about its culture, and maybe even contribute to making it a better place."

She looks out at the crowd, feeling a bit nervous but also excited. "I know that there may be some who don't trust me because of my past. And I understand that. But I hope that I can earn your trust and prove myself worthy of being here. I believe that we all have a role to play in making our world a better place, and I want to be a part of that."

Adora pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I also want to say that I don't believe in holding grudges or harboring hate towards anyone. We all make mistakes, and we all have the capacity to change. I hope that we can all work together to build a brighter future, for Eternia and for the entire universe."

Suddenly, Catra comes up with a scared face and a butterfly filled stomach. However, as she looks out at the sea of faces in front of her, she might start to feel more confident. She picks up the microphone and starts quietly to loudly speaking.

"I never thought I'd be standing here today, addressing all of you. I grew up on the wrong side of the war, and I thought that was all there was to life. But being here, in Eternia, has shown me that there is so much more. I've learned so much from all of you, and I'm grateful for the chance to be a part of this community."

Suddenly. she sees Finn, a young orphan boy in the crowd, but when Adora tries talking to her, they boy disappears. The young boy then appears in the black cloth approaching a tall woman putting on makeup.

Finn nervously approaches the woman, who appears to be putting on makeup.

Noticing his hesitation, she prompts him to speak. "What is it, Finn?" The woman said. "Speak up!"

"She's here" Finn said softly. "She's back."

"Who's here? Be specific!" 

"Ado-, Ad-, Adora" Finn said.

"That's Impossible!" The woman yelled out. "Adora died 20 years ago in the hands of- "

"Calida Veil."

"Yes!" the woman said. 

"Do you want me to dispose of her?"

"Oh Finn, why do you always have to ask questions you already know the answer to?"

"I'm sorry, Madame." 

"Just go!" the woman groaned.

Finn nods, and leaves feeling gloomy, and annoying, just like he felt every day at this point.

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