1.04. The Averse

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Adora: "I'm really interested in learning about your culture." Adora says, "Could you tell us more about it?"

"Well, for starters, we value machines and technology above all else." One Citizen said. "We believe in efficiency and productivity, which is why we're always looking for ways to improve and innovate."

"But what about nature and the environment?" Catra says. "Don't you care about preserving it?"

"Of course, we do, but we believe that technology can also help us in that regard. For example, we've developed machines that can help us recycle and reduce waste."

"That's really interesting" Adora replies. "But what about individuality and freedom? Don't you think that's important too?"

"Of course, but we also value order and discipline. We believe that everyone has a role to play in society, and it's important to work together to achieve common goals."

"I'm not sure I agree with that." Catra says. "I think people should be able to make their own choices and follow their own path."

"Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But here in Eternia, we believe that progress and advancement are key to our success."

Adora responded by saying, "That's the thing about power, it can be used for good or bad. It's how it's used those matters. But when someone has too much power, they can become corrupted and use it for their own selfish desires."

"And that's why we try to use technology." Another Citizen said. "Unless you want to end up like The Averse."

"What's The Averse?" Adora says.

All of The Citizens looked at each other in silence, until one of the older citizens replies.

"The Averse are a group of people who believe in technology over magic. They seek to control and dominate through the use of machines and weapons, rather than relying on the natural world around them. They see magic as a threat and seek to eradicate it entirely. They have caused much destruction and chaos in the past, and we fear they may be planning another attack soon."

Adora and Catra exchange worried glances, realizing that the Averse may be the reason they were brought to Etheria.

"How do you know that?" Catra says.

"Come with me." The older citizen said.

The older citizen leads Adora and Catra to a nearby village that was destroyed by the averse. The buildings are in ruins, and the villagers are nowhere to be found. The older citizen tells Adora and Catra that the averse have been attacking Eternia for years, and many innocent people have lost their lives.

Adora and Catra are horrified and saddened by what they see. They realize that the averse are a serious threat and that they must be stopped. They explain to the older citizen that they have experience fighting against evil, and they offer to help defeat the averse.

The older citizen is hesitant at first, but eventually agrees to let Adora and Catra help. She warns them that the averse are powerful and dangerous, but Adora and Catra are determined to stop them.

As they leave the destroyed village, Adora and Catra can't help but think about their own experiences fighting evil on Etheria. They know that this won't be easy, but they're ready for the challenge.


Step One: Sneak into the village.

Step Two: Hide their weapons under their secret barge.

Step Three: Set up a Mirage before attacking people and showing how people should convert to their ideas of technology.

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