Flowey's an asshole.

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(Old) 14/Jan/2023

The flower with a face greeted me as I stepped back, obviously startled.

"You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren't cha?"

I stayed silent, putting my guard up as my grip on Estar tightened a bit.

"Golly, you must be confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work here!"

I didn't know how to response. The world around me and the flower, called Flowey, along with my unconscious cousin on my back we're now in an unknown dark place. Here's an unusual thing.

I saw a red heart with a neon green outline shining ever so brightly in front of me. 4 yellow buttons with each having individual names appeared after the heart. I was confused but felt a bit skeptical. The grin on Flowey's face fell. Estar remained unconscious.

Flowey looked stunned, eyes widened, but went back to his normal expression. "Right in front of your eyes; that's your SOUL." Flowey's face turned into a stern grin. "...That's a SOUL I've never seen before." I was just left confused and with many questions on my mind.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, which Flowey did not answer.

"See that SOUL of yours? It doesn't have much LV!
What does LV stands for?
LOVE of course!"

The grin changed into an innocent looking smile.

"You want some LOVE, don't cha?
I bet you do!"

The tension grew thicker. My body was shaking but I made it a bit unnoticeable. I stood still on my feet.

Flowey summoned some white whatever-looking-thing around him, like a circle as they spun in a rapid speed.

"This, these are some friendliness petals! They'll help you get some of that LV! Go on, get as many as you can!"

There is no way I'm even touching those things. The 'friendliness petals' was launched towards my direction in a somewhat-slow rate so I was able to dodge it all with ease. That action made Flowey ticked off.

"Golly, you must've missed them on accident! Here, I'll be generous enough to give you some more!"

Flowey made his previous attack as I dodged again. The background soundtrack got slower and deeper, fainting away into nothingness. A scowl now replaced the grin on Flowey's face.

"I said Run Into The BULLETS!"
- - - Flowey looked at his speech before correcting himself.
"I said Run Into The Friendliness Petals!"
- - - He smiled into a more friendly look.

This just made me deadpan. I now knew to not trust this bastard flower. A shadow covered Flowey's face by 3/4 with the flower looking down to the ground. A malicious smile appeared on Flowey's face.

"You already know how things work down here, don't cha?"
A manic laugh was heard loud and clear from Flowey.

"In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED."

Many bullets surrounded me and Estar, forming in a circle as Flowey continued to laugh like a psychopath. It slowly closed its way to us...when suddenly, it stopped. The grin on Flowey's face was replaced with an annoyed and confused frown before a fireball flickered in the room, launching itself at Flowey. Flowey let out a yell and was yeeted outta the area.

Another monster entered the room.

If "YOU" were to be sent to UNDERTALEWhere stories live. Discover now