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(Apologies, didn't notice the change of POV in this chapter. I was way too into the flow.)

Your assumptions were correct. With the absence of Toriel, most monsters you've encountered engaged in battles with you. You thought of beating them up for even considering you were an enemy but the words of a certain Froggit rang in your ear.

Maybe you should show MERCY instead of acting violent....
Maybe they will SPARE you some rest.

Yea, that's the plan.

Before you knew it, the world around you turned dark once again as your vibrant soul appeared in front of you. Who was it this time.... What kind of monster is...this? It's sobbing hysterically. You mentally cringed at the sight, not really knowing what to do. You decide to CHECK the monster's stats.

Hm. Whimsun is its name. It looked too scared to even fight. Before you said another word or even made a movement, the monster ran away in fear, crying like it always does. What was that about? Shrugging, you continued on your journey to wherever the ruins would lead you to, and hopefully towards where Toriel and Estar is. "I wonder how's Estar doing..." you thought out loud, walking down the purple hallways where vines covered the ceiling and walls.

Two paths.

One seemed like it lead to another hallway which is probably the right way but..... The other one leaded to somewhere dark. Should I even enter the dark room? Yes.

A part of my mind screamed at me to not take a step further into the darker room but I was also curious. What could be in here? My eyes wandered around the dark room when I stepped in. It wasn't completely dark to not see anything, I suppose. A few cobwebs could be seen on one side of the room, with a....sign in front of it? You decided to read what the sign said.

*Spider Bake Sale! All proceeds go to real spiders.

"Huh....they got bakeries and stuff like that down here too. That's pretty neat." You commented, going to check out whatever was in the cobwebs. The smaller cobweb had another smaller sign which read 'spider donut' while the larger one read 'spider cider'. Donut was 7G and the cider was 18G....let's see. You fumbled with the coins in your pocket which you received from the droppings of the monsters after sparing them.

Shucks, you can't purchase the cider. "I suppose I can go for the donut..." A sigh left your lips. "Hm, maybe Estar wants one too. Guess I'll get 2. I don't wanna share my only donut with that kid.."

And with that, you left 14G in the smaller cobweb and waited, watching the spiders crawl away with the cash, coming back with 2 donuts. Ooh, they look tasty, actually! Muttering a small thanks, you took the donuts and they disappeared into your inventory. Alright, time to get back to the road.

Along the way, you met more monsters, spared them with ease, collected the Gs they dropped, repeat. With some careless mistakes, you were covered in a few cuts and bruises but they were nothing much to threaten your HP. Well, it's better to be safe than sorry, you thought to yourself, as you popped a monster candy you picked up on the way. Mm, not too bad. You healed 10HP!

"Alrighty, I'm set. Now, where am I....?" Your words were interrupted by a snoring noise front of you? You came to meet with a slightly transparent ghost. Despite looking wide awake, the ghost seemed to be saying "Zzzzz"s. 'How can I pass through?' You took a step forward, only to be brought into another battle. Great.

Here comes Napstablook! An epic theme song plays faintly in the background.

The ghost called Napstablook was now up and awake, as if it wasn't before. This ghost reminded you of a certain monster you encountered before, but the ghost was more capable of fighting. More like it was forcing itself to fight, poor thing. You felt kind of pitiful for it.

With a heavy heart, you decided to cheer the ghost up with a small joke you could manage.

"Why aren't ghost able to lie?" You smiled, almost holding back a laugh. This caught the ghost's attention, making it look at you with a sad-questioning look.

"Because they're so easy to see through." Laughs escaped your lungs first and the chain reaction made the ghost let out a few giggles through tears. "I guess I lifted up your spirits a bit." This made the both of you laugh even more.

"Wow..." The ghost started, still laughing a bit. "I came to the ruins because there doesn't seem to be anyone around...but i met someone nice..."

You grinned to the side, offering a cheerful smile. "No worries. Glad I could make a ghost laugh, even." Napstablook only gave a ghostly smile before muttering an apology. "Oh...I must be in your way. I'll move...." And with that, Napstablook disappeared into thin air.

Your opinion on the ghost? He was chill. A bit quiet and shy, just like how you used to be before but you can understand. Maybe ghosts from the surface didn't make that much appearances since they were shy. That makes sense. "Onward!" You announced to yourself, pointing the direction in front of you as you marched towards wherever you were pointing.

Perhaps you'll be able to meet more fun and interesting monsters like Napstablook.

- - - - - - - -
"A balcony? You said Toriel went out of here after grocery shopping?"
I could SPARE some time to check it out.

And the view did not disappoint you.

Was this the view of the city you ought to step into soon?'s....beautiful. The architecture of buildings here are something else. Definitely would be a tourist attraction if this were to be back at home, you noted. You saw something in the corner of your eye. Curious, you turned your head to face whatever it was.

A knife. A toy knife, to be exact.
You picked up the item, running your finger down the blade.

The blade was sharp enough to cut your skin.
Despite being made of plastic, the toy knife seems strong enough to at least defend yourself.

"I've been sparing everyone...but I guess I could use this in certain situations." Your way of thinking was right. You never know what was coming for you. Maybe this toy would be useful somewhere.

Putting the toy knife in your inventory, you walked away from the balcony, back on the path. Just as you went into another room, your cell phone rang, alerting you and someone else in the room. Oh hey, it's Toriel!

"My child! My apologies for leaving you all by your own. You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?" Toriel spoke worriedly, to which response you shook your head at. Toriel seemed to sigh in relief but healed you just in case. Remembering about the kid, you asked Toriel, "How's Estar?" as the both of you walked together to where Toriel was heading to. "The young one is still asleep, but she seems to be fine. Not to worry, my child." Toriel's smile was reassuring. Maybe this is why you felt like you could trust her. You only hummed in acknowledgment, putting your hands in the pocket of your pants.

"Now, follow me, my child. I have prepared you two a room to rest. The young one is currently asleep in there."

Oh yay, I can finally sleep.

If "YOU" were to be sent to UNDERTALEWhere stories live. Discover now