6. Lacrosse Sticks and Heart Strings

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I have been killing myself on the field lately, trying to manage and fulfill everyone's expectations for my career. Believe me, I love football and I love pushing myself to new limits. However, as every athlete knows, the game we play can be emotionally and is physically straining. I've been at Clemson for almost two years now. I haven't attended a rave, had a real chance to explore the city, or truly date. Trust, I've had my share of fun but it's been limited. I've been for the most part head down and focused on my craft. My schedule for the rest of the day is clear. All I have to do is collect my stuff, walk off the field and head to the showers so I can meet the rest of the guys off campus. We had to move quick today because the field was double booked. The women's lacrosse team was supposed to have the turf 30 minutes ago but, graciously waited for us to finish up our last drills. They are slowly filtering in now.

I have to admit that I did move a little slower today collecting my stuff. In part I was sore but I also wanted to get a peek at the women's lacrosse team. Don't judge me, I spend fifteen hours a week on training, not to mention my extensive core work and longwinded lectures. This is a little treat to myself. Once every now and then,  I like to take a little peek at something other than playbooks and the food that lingers on my business law professor's mustache.

Not only are they beautiful but, they are reigning champs. A clear threat to our rival. They are straight bosses in their own right.

"Cece!" I heard a girl call out as I'm almost off the field. I initially didn't pay it any mind but after the girl yelled out the name two more times, I couldn't help but wonder where Sienna was and why she wouldn't just respond. That's when I saw her. Sienna Mckoy, a sophomore midfielder on the team. I've seen her around a few times but, we've never spoken. I've always admired her from afar. The whole team has. However, mine was sincere and not just surface level. She's a great athlete, an inspiration.

I saw her speak at the health and wellness conference last semester and she definitely has this presence. She's 5'10" , with long brown hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, and a infectious smile. I'm a sucker for a smile and soft eyes. I was free for the rest of the evening so, I decided to make time to introduce myself (you know, as a fellow athlete of the Clemson organization). I walked over to the stands left of the centerfield. Her back was to me, engaged in conversation with three of her teammates.


"What are we talking about" I heard a low deep vibrato come from behind me. I wasn't sure who was talking and whom they were directing their question but from the look on Carly and Lareesha's faces, he was cute.

"We're trying to get in that beast mode mindset. But we don't need to tell you about that Mr. Lawrence. I see you're sweaty. Practice go well?"

"Yeah, I'm beat though. I was going to get some more footwork in but I don't think I can go any longer".

"Hhm. I've always gotten the impression that you can go on for hours". Carly was definitely in full flirtation mode. Her posture changed, direct eye contact, bright smile, and she always insists on twirling the front pieces of her hair. I rolled my eyes internally. I loved  my friend but she was always feigning for some male attention. It was a sport for her but me on the other hand, I couldn't be bothered. I was here on a grant and couldn't afford to focus on anything but school and lacrosse. It's been about two minutes of their interaction and I still haven't bothered to turn around.

"You all made a hell of an impression last week in the match against South Carolina". He redirected the conversation.

We all respond with a unison "thank you". I'm first to get up, putting my hair in a ponytail. As soon as I turn around, I'm faced with these deep blue eyes. I recognize him. It's the new face of Clemson Football, Trevor Lawrence. At least, that's what I've heard a few coaches "whisper" in the athletic facility. He's tall, I presume 6'6" and his hair falls down to his shoulders. That's the first thing that I notice about him. The real heartthrob is his voice. Omg that voice, the real reason I turned around. He has this low country like growl that commands attention. I felt guilty lusting after this man internally like I was but I couldn't help it. It's either the lack of romantic endeavors as of late or just natural attraction but, I'm intrigued.

He must've read the enamored expression that I was sure to have on my face. He returned direct eye contact while flashing a beautiful white smile that transitioned into him biting him bottom lip.

"It was nice to meet you but I need to go down to the field and begin stretching". I felt the tension in the air and decided to excuse myself immediately. I didn't have time for any distractions... at least before the game this Friday. I walked down one step before he gently grabbed my hand. I let him lead me back up the step.

"Yes?" I remained relaxed.

"Oh, pleasure is all mine. Hopefully this won't be the only encounter". By this point, it was obvious he was shooting his shot. He was circling the back of my hand with his thumb, holding what seems to be his signature direct eye contact. I couldn't think of any other response appropriate than a "maybe", slightly snatching my hand back-and turned once again, walking down to the field.


I watched her walk onto the field. In that moment, I knew. I had to get her.

Dedicated to @Loveebee
Thank you for your recommendation :)
I hope that part one was enjoyed!

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