3. I'm leaving

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It was 8:00 at night and I've decided to leave Trevor. He's been distant, irritated, and pretty much not himself. I've tried to talk to him about it and cheer him up but he hasn't budged, if anything he's gotten worse. He sits in the living room and watches tv all day or goes clubbing (ALL NIGHT)! I usually try to be a understanding and layed back girlfriend in our relationship but I refuse to be neglected. My back is packed and I sat it by the door way for a last attempt.

"Trevor I'm heading "Starbucks" you want anything?"

He ignored me completely. I mean Did. Not. Even. Look. Up.

"That's it" I thought to myself. He didn't even budge, he was literally acting like a toddler.

"Are you kidding me?! Is this what we're doing now Trevor? You are going to sit on your butt and watch tv and deliberately ignore me? Someone who loves and cares for you through thick and thi-"

Before I could finish my sentence he hopped up stood inched away from me.

" You want attention, you want attention?! Here you go then. You think you're so perfect... and go forbid anyone dare go through ANYTHING in life and not show the queen the undivided attention 24/7 she most desperately needs!" Trevor said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

Laila was stunned. She barely recognized her boyfriend. He never acted like this but this past month he's been in what seems like a constant change of attitude. She wanted to cry, she couldn't believe she let it get this far.

"What's wrong? Baby talk to me!"

He looked at Laila with hurt in his eyes and looked like he was not the edge of spilling then something in him changed and he went back to being cold.

"Nothing, I'm going to bed." Trevor turned and started to walk up the stairs.

In that exact moment Laila broke inside knowing what she had to do. She had to move on and give him time to figure out what's going on with himself.

"Trevor I'm leaving you."

"Where are you going Laila" he said with an annoyed tone.

"Im leaving you" this time she said in a firm, more serious stance.

Trevor glanced at the bags by the door and looked st her with an emotion that looked like a mixture between a broken heart and upset look in his eye.

"Wow so your going to leave me after all we've been through? I can't believe you Lai. I thought we were forever, whatever happened you told me matter of fact you promised me you'd stick by me."

"Don't you dare make me out to be the victim Trevor. You know that I've always been there for you ALWAYS. I've been there through some ditches in the road forget bumps. So if you think I'm going to stand here and let you make me feel like I just up and ran out on you then you've been sadly mistaken."

Laila turned around with tears in her eyes opening the front door, grabbing the suitcases and taking them outside. Right before she was about to close the door she looked at Trevor getting a last look at the love of her life. She was hurting and wanted noting more than to run up and hug him making everything better again. But that wasn't going to happen, Trevor had personal issues he needed to work out and it wasn't the kind she could fix.

" I love you so much but I need time." With that said she closed the door behind her and walked down the driveway to her car.

Trevor looked out the window and watched her walk away not looking back. Other times they've argued she's threatened to leave but never did it but this time felt real.

Leila reached her car and got in closing the door and took one last look at the house. Looking at it when coming to visit always brought her this profound joy. A single tear cane down her face but she quickly wiped it and made herself promise not to cry. This wasn't an eternity, it was just at least a week break from him until they decided what they were gonna do.

While still standing at the window Trevor watched her car drive off. He stood there feeling numb. He messed up big time and he didn't even know where to start to fix it. It's like life kept slapping him in the face over and over again.

Trevor and Laila both realized that they lost themselves in the corruption and it seems at the exact same time they laid there heads down where they began to sleep that night a single tear ran down their faces. It was as if their bodies were in sync and they were going through a withdrawal. Was this the end? Who knows... couples go through struggles and often lose sight of what's important and that's their love for each other.

To be continued...?????

Trevor Lawrence: The Short Story Chronicles Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz