Doesn't Feel Right At All

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Seonghwa's View June 26, 2040

"Queen Juila!" I placed my sword back into its case and looked around extending my hand out. The food stalls were now repaired and the flowers everywhere were now alive. "Whoa" "She only used magic on the food stalls she's still a god of nature" I turned around and was stopped in my tracks. "Hi Hon" "I've been looking for you" "Sorry I chased away a dark shadow out of the castle grounds," I say  "I see that now," Hongjoong says "What happened" "I wanted to eat lunch with you" We're now both blushing  "Awwww," Everyone says  "Of course," I say taking his hand "You know rip to your wallet right" He hands me my wallet I laugh 

"Mom, Dad" Hongjoong was asleep on my lap his sword and mine were against the wall. "Is Dad okay" "I did warn you James lunch was a nice one thank you" I say kissing my husband's forehead "Oh gosh" "I gave him pain relievers so he'll be okay" "This doesn't feel right at all" Jowoon says "Seeing our parents like this yeah but get used to seeing it again I hear Mom's returning home by order of Dad" Chinghae says "Whoa so now The Great Hoens no longer have Mom locked up?" Jowoon says  "Yeah now she can freely move about our world," Chinghae says "You guys are growing up too fast" "Dad you're awake,"  Jowoon says "I can't open my eyes though," Hongjoong says "Hon give me your arm your right one please" "Kay" "I knew you dumb music nerd I said use when you're not in Korea" "But it's pretty Loria" "James this is supposed to help see everyone when you're not in Korea since you're in Korea and in the proximity of Ateez and I your actual eyesight is damaged" "Ooops" "I took off the bracelet" "Hello boys" He looked at me and smiled. "It was worth it" "I know it was but you need to be careful next time" "Will do" '

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