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TW: there are hints at Suicide, Self-Harm, Abuse, Violence, and Guns are mentioned. Please read with caution🤟🏻


Shatter, goes the plate. Glass rains to the ground, glinting in the light of the moon. I grab another object and hurl it at the wall. Shatter, this ones goes. And another, and another, until I've thrown everything around me at that wall.

I stared at the masterpiece I created. Shards clung to the plywood, and gathered on the ground like a glittery mountain. Each piece reflected the moon from a different angle, creating a beautiful mosaic. I wanted to dive into it just to see what it felt like. I bet it would sting, or like a thousand ants biting you at once...and I wondered what that felt like. But I just stood there staring at the pile, and refrained from touching it.

Instead, I just looked up to the moon. Clouds came and went as I stared at it, for I don't know how long. A breeze picked up, and the icy wind caressed my skin, reminding me that I was alive.

Unlike the bodies at my feet.

I looked down to them. My father sat against the wall, lifeless and staring up at me. Blood clung to his chest from the bullet holes, and soaked his lap.

Then to my mother. Or rather, my mother's body. She was facedown with blood pooling around her head. Thankfully, I couldn't see her face. I wouldn't be able to stand the terror forever embedded in her eyes.

Finally, my gaze landed on the gun in my hand. It felt like a block of ice, so cold and heavy. Just like I felt. Seeing my parents lifeless bodies gave me an even deeper understanding of the word "numb". I thought numbness, and I were well-aquainted, but in this moment I truly felt nothing. Saw nothing. Thought nothing. It was all just a blur.

Slowly, as the realization of what I'd done set in, I raised the gun to my head.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger, a distant voice came from behind me, "Hands where I can see them!"

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